Chapter: 51

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Ummm... 😬


Chapter: 51

Thursday; February 18, 2021


I was excited to go to Claudia's small party since she just wanted her friends to celebrate her birthday. Niall wanted to throw her a massive birthday party but she doesn't care about that.

As I walk over to my car, I'm stopped by Drake as he grins.


"Hey Drake," I smile at him awkwardly.

"Umm I been meaning to talk to you about something," he says with a frown.

"What is it?"

"You know I like you, I always have from the moment we met," he grabs to my hands as I quickly pull them away. "I want us to go on a date. Give me a chance please."

"Drake I have a boyfriend," I sigh. "I only see you as a friend that's it. Sorry."

"But I thought you and that idiot were done."


"Is he bothering you Anna?" I hear Harry as he then is by my side glaring at him wrapping his arm around my waist.

"N-no Harry he was just leaving," I tell him.

"Harry? I thought Ed—"

"Let's go," I grab Harry's arm pulling him away before Drake finished that sentence.

"Are you sure he wasn't bothering you? It seemed like it," Harry adds.

"I'm fine," I smile at him as we stop in front of my car. "Why are you here?"

"I came to see you what else?" He chuckles. "And give you this," he leans down as he cups my face kissing me.

I smile kissing back then pull away.

"Well I should head home."

"I'll pick you up at five so we can go to Niall's," he grins.

"Alright I can't wait," I smile at him. He waits for me to get inside as he closes the door. I slide down the window telling him how I'll see him later. He pecks my lips and waits as I drive off.


As we arrived to the party, it wasn't actually a small party. There were plenty of guests as the music blasts throughout the house. There are balloons everywhere.

I frown as I catch Claudia arguing with Niall. Harry and I walk closer as we have our gifts in hand.

"I told you I didn't want a big party Niall," she sighs.

"But you deserve it though."

"I don't care—"

"Is everything okay?" I smile awkwardly.

"Savvy!" She grins then attacks me into a hug. "Let's get some drinks," she grabs my hand as she gives a glare to Niall before dragging me away.

"Hey girl happy birthday!" Rachel smiles greeting Claudia as Ash gives her a hug as well. Claudia tells us where to put her presents as we all hang out at the kitchen since it's more quiet there.

"So are you and my brother actually dating or what?" Rachel grins.

"Umm well it's just that—"

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