Chapter: 53

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Chapter: 53

Tuesday; February 23, 2021


Stupid Casey.

I couldn't sleep all night with her moving around and literally pushing me off the bed. I pulled out extra duvets and blankets to lay on the carpet. I would stare up at the ceiling trying to fall asleep.

Then Casey started snoring.

I groaned putting the pillow over my head.

Last night was a nightmare coming to reality.

I made my way downstairs half awake as I stumbled towards the kitchen.

"Morning sunshine," my mom says sarcastically. Her and aunt Aly are making the breakfast as my uncle and Casey are already eating.

I sit down next to my uncle who chuckles and grins.

"Couldn't sleep?"

"Ask your daughter," I glare over at Casey who smiles innocently. My uncle just laughs shaking his head.

I look down at my phone as Niall is calling. I facepalm as I didn't inform him of my absence. Yeah I have been absent for so long now, I feel bad because Niall is my friend.

"Hello?" I answer as my voice croaks a bit. I'm not fully awake yet.

"Good morning Savannah, it's about to be noon. Just wondering are you actually going to plan in coming?" He says quite pissed.

"Umm, I'm sorry Niall. I don't think I can."

I hear him sigh from the other line. Casey just stares at me being a snitch. I stand up annoyed and walk over to the living area.

"Savannah, look I'm sorry but I can't give favoritism on you and let it slide. It's not fair to the others."

"No I understand it's just it's been a rough week—"

"I'm sorry to hear that but I'm going to have to fire you."

"Oh uh okay," I frown sighing.

"I'm really sorry Savannah, but this week I need all my staff to be here and you're so behind. You didn't even inform me of not coming in yesterday."

"My uncle died Niall. I'm sorry I didn't inform you of my absence but I didn't have head for that," I snap as the other line is silent.


"Yeah, my uncle Zac? He was killed in prison. We are having his memorial service today at St. Didacus Catholic Church. Then we are going to bury him."

"I'm so sorry Savannah, I didn't know. What time?"

"It's okay, I didn't tell a lot of people. I told Harry to inform everyone but yeah it's at two. Then we are going to bury him around five. Please inform everyone that we know in case Harry didn't. I just don't have my mind set to do so."

"It's okay Savannah, I'm going to be there along with everyone else. I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I didn't know this was the reason."

"It's okay Niall. I will see you later then. Thank you."


Later that day as I finish getting ready, well mainly taking a shower and putting on my black dress and putting my hair back, I catch Casey being a nosey bitch.

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