Chapter: 58

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Song for this Chapter: The Middle; Zedd feat. Maren Morris & Grey

Chapter: 58

Sunday; February 28, 2021


My mom woke me up early this time so we could go to church. I haven't gotten to church in a while. We are catholic but I'm just that type of girl that doesn't really believe in much but God. Everyone has their own beliefs and I'm just upset at the moment with my uncle being taken from me that going to church is not going to help at all.

My grandpa is quite the religious type, because of him we all have to go to church. Casey was chewing her gum loudly on our way there. I have that urge to smack her. I hope her teeth break with all that chewing.

As we arrive, we all get off and head inside the church as more people are making their ways to their seats. I sit in between my uncle and mom, my grandpa was next to my mom as Alison was next to my uncle then with her Casey. Throughout the day, my mom would nudge my arm telling me to sing along with the choir. I would scowl at her not really in the mood.

"Learn from your cousin," she whispers at me. I look over to my left as Casey stands beside her mother and is smiling singing along with her looking down at the book.

I roll my eyes.

"Savannah," my grandpa whispers over at me giving me a glare. I scoff just standing there waiting for this to be over soon.

After church, we all go out to eat. The typical Sunday day. Church, then lunch. What's next? The movies?

We went to Sunrise Buffet a Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet. I got my plate with vegetable rolls, white rice, orange chicken, and lo mein. I eat in silence as we are seated at a table. I'm beside my mom as my grandpa is to her side and my uncle to mine. Alison and Casey in front of us.

"You better eat," my mom scolds me.

"Ivana leave her alone," my uncle shakes his head.

"Victor, she's right. Savannah has been acting like a brat recently," Alison adds.

"She's not wrong," my grandpa agrees as he eats.

I clench my jaw biting the inside of my cheeks as I stay silent.

"What's wrong cuz?" Casey smiles at me as she holds of her fork with pork chops. "Cat cut your tongue?" She takes a bite smiling as she chews.

"Can we just eat peacefully?" My uncle sighs. "This week has been a tough one, and Savannah just found about her father—"

"Don't bring that up," my grandpa glares at him. "Let's eat peacefully like you said right?"

My uncle nods. The table gets awkwardly silent as we all eat.

"Mom? Can I change my number?" Casey asks out of the blue.

"Why?" Alison furrows her eyebrows.

"Because... I'm bored of this one."

"You can't change numbers every time you get bored of one," my uncle glares at her.

"But daddy—"


"Victor just this once," Alison tells him.

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