Chapter: 74

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I'm so bad with updates I'm so sorry guys! We are close to being done though! Eeek :D and my internet was being shitty but it's all good now ;)

This chapter took me long to write since I had to look up how to write a good trial so I hope you guys like it 😘


Song for this Chapter: Capital Letters; Hailee Steinfeld

Chapter: 74

Saturday; March 20, 2021


I tried to sleep but I really couldn't, I feel so exhausted as I just stand under the warm water of my shower. Thinking back to that horrible nightmare, I hurry out drying myself and getting ready.

I rush out grabbing my phone and make the call. I wait a couple of seconds as Anne answers the phone. I knew that if I called Harry, he was obviously going to ignore my call.


"Umm Anne, h-hi it's Savannah."

"What's going on? How are you doing sweetheart?"

"I'm okay, umm is Harry okay?"
"Well he's heartbroken, you should have told him about you and Edward. Even I'm upset for the way you played both my sons Savannah."

"I-I know. But I never lied about my feelings for Harry. Please, is he okay? He's not hurt or anything? Like physically?"

"He's okay Savannah. He's eating breakfast seated right in front of me."

"What the hell does she want now?" I hear him asking Anne. I let out a sigh but I'm so glad to hear his voice.

"Savannah, please don't call again. You're hurting him more this way. Goodbye."

She doesn't let me answer as she hung up. I bite my lip gripping to my cell. I'm just so happy he's alive. I don't know what I'll do if anything were to happen to him.

I grab my bag and rush down the stairs over to the kitchen as my uncle is on his iPad. He looks up and smiles slyly at me.

"Good morning Savvy. How did you sleep?"

"I'm sure you know how I slept. I hardly slept at all," I shrug and sit down.

"You ready to go to the courthouse?"

I nod as he then serves me breakfast. I wasn't that hungry, but I ate a bit just to not worry him.

Not sure if I'm ready to face Drake again. But if I don't want to see him ever again, that's what I got to do.

An hour later and we arrive to the courthouse as I follow my uncle up the steps. We walk inside and head down the hall as we take a seat by the doors waiting. Moments later, Claudia and Niall join us as we then walk into the room.

She was nervous but both Niall and I assured her it will be fine. We take our seats alongside Niall's lawyer. I sit with my uncle right behind Claudia's table. Niall gives her a hug and kisses her cheek.

"Baby I'm right here, nothing bad will happen to you, I promise," I hear Niall whisper to her. I smile at them as I let my smile fall thinking back to Harry.

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