Chapter: 10

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Chapter: 10

Sunday; August 19, 2018


After what London told me last night of Harry and Jessica, it got me thinking. Is it possible he's really with her? Is that why he's ignoring me?

I haven't received any messages from him. Haven't talked with him since Thursday. He did call me Friday but then won't return my calls since I was busy and couldn't answer.

The sleepover was fun, it was a distraction. At least for Ash and I. We all get ready and go downstairs to the dining room for breakfast.

The girls would chat as Niall and Louis would join us.

"How was the party?" Niall chuckles serving himself some coffee.

"It was a sleepover," Rachel chuckles rolling her eyes.

"I know but seems like it was more of a party that we weren't invited to."

"Louis didn't want to anymore," Ash chuckles shrugging.

"Rachel was going to paint my nails like no," Louis huffs.

The girls burst out laughing as we continue to eat our breakfast.

"Claudia need a ride?" Niall smiles at her. She smiles shyly and looks at me for help.

"She was going to go with me but you can take her," I laugh responding.

"Are you going somewhere?" Rachel raises eyebrows at her brother as he just shrugs drinking his coffee.

"I have some errands to run so."
"I should get going," I smile as my mom texted me she's here.

"Bye Savvy," Ash smiles giving me a hug. I hug her then Rachel, London and Claudia. I make my way out as my mom waits for me in the car. I put my stuff in the back as I get into the passenger seat buckling up.

"How was it?" She smiles at me driving off.

"It was fun. I jus hate that tomorrow my classes start," I chuckle and check my phone. Nothing new there.


I finished packing all my stuff and feel like I need a break. I walk over to the park and just walk around like I usually do just to clear my mind.

I listen to Demi Lovato changing the song to Heart Attack. Tears stream down my cheeks as I walk slowly. I miss Harry.

I look down as I keep on walking, noticing a pair of boots standing before me. I look up as I'm met with a pair of hazel eyes.

I pull an earphone out as I whisper; "Edward."
"Hey Savvy," he grins. "What you listening to?"

He leans over taking my earphone as he puts it on his leaning against my right.

"Ahhh she's babe that's all I can say," he laughs taking the earphone out. I smile taking the other out and put it away with my iPod.

"What are you doing here?" I question.

"Just going for a walk."

"I don't see you often that's why I think it's odd you come here for a walk?" I furrow my eyebrows making him laugh.

"I rarely come, I just thought to come today. Hey maybe it was a good instant saying how I'll bump with you. How you been?" He smiles and we both start walking side by side.

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