Chapter: 36

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Chapter: 36

Monday; February 4, 2019


This month already sucks for me. The day I hate is so close, everyone around campus would talk about it. How there's a dance for Valentine's Day. I hate it hate it.

The decorations are already filling up the buildings, people are selling valentine cards outside in booths.

The day isn't even close yet and everyone is awaiting it as if it was the best thing in the world.

After my creative writing class, Drake catches up to me teasing my mood. He knows how much I dislike it, we have gotten closer throughout last term. We don't have any classes this one, but his class is next to mine. We would hang out casually at times, and he would just make fun of the fact that I hate any romantic situation such as romantic movies and this stupid holiday.

I'm starting to sound like the Grinch since he hated Christmas. I'm the Grinch that hates Valentine's Day.

"So you're not going to the Valentine's Day dance?" He questions as he drinks his coffee.

"Nope," I say making a popping sound with the letter p.

He laughs as I just raise my eyebrows at him.

"Come on, it will be fun. It's the party of the year," he says.

"What's so special about it anyway? Couples smooching, showing their affection to the world? Who cares? Besides, I don't have a boyfriend so what's the point in going?"

"You don't need to have a boyfriend to go, that day isn't all about love love. It's also about friendship, and family love," he smiles shrugging.

"I don't have any type of love," I laugh. "My mom left me, she lied that she went with my uncle but she's not even there. And my ex well he changed his number and didn't tell me."

"He doesn't deserve you. Savannah, go with me."

"You're asking me on a date?" I raise my eyebrows as he laughs.

"To the dance, be my date?" He chuckles smiling at me.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, we go as friends and have fun just so we both don't be lonely on that day."

"I'm sorry Drake its just I don't want to get involved with anything on that day."


I look over as Edward catches up to my side. He glares over at Drake then smiles at me.

"Can we talk?" He adds.


"We were in the middle of something," Drake says.

"I wasn't talking to you," Edward scoffs.

"You interrupted our conversation, that's quite rude," Drake fights back.

"She said she doesn't want to go with you, so drop it. I'm sure the conversation is done for," Edward spats.

"Okay whoa enough," I get in between them as I look one at the other. "Umm Drake I'll talk to you later okay? I'm sorry," I smile at him.

"Alright Savannah, but I don't take no for an answer," he winks smiling at me then glares at Edward before walking away.

"I don't take no for an answer," Edward mocks him as he rolls his eyes.

"What was that about?" I cross my arms against my chest looking up at him in disbelief.

"Geez, I saved you from that clingy annoying weirdo... aren't you going to thank me?" I just glare at him. "Fine fine, I'm sorry. You didn't want to go out with him either way, why are you mad Savvy?"

"He's my friend Ed," I start walking with him. "Don't be so rude."

"He doesn't see you as a friend, it's obvious he wants more. Why else would he insist in asking you out?"

"He was just asking me to the Valentine's Day dance thing here."

"There's a dance? I thought dances were for high schoolers."

"Guess not," I chuckle.

"So if you don't want Drake as your valentine... is the spot still open?"

"Where are you going at Edward?"

"Maybe I can be your valentine?"

I look over at him as he smiles innocently. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"You're insane Ed."

"You like it."

"I don't need a valentine."

"Come on love, I'm going to be lonely. We can watch The Notebook if you want. Get all emotional together."

"I don't want to," I chuckle.

"Why not? It's one of the best movies in the world."

"Ed, I didn't think you were the romantic kind of guy," I laugh.

"Blame Harry, he got me to watch it, now I love it," he grins then his smile fades. "Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned—"

"It's okay, it's just... I never seen The Notebook..."

"Say what?"

"Don't hate me," I laugh. "We can watch Mean Girls. I just don't want to watch that movie... I'm not really into them either way. The only romantic movies I enjoy are Titanic and hmm all the Cinderella movies."

"You're watching The Notebook, period," he laughs.

"Nope nope nope," I giggle as he tries to tickle my sides. "Stop it Edward!"

"I will stop until you say you will watch it with me. Say it..."

I can't help but laugh as I grab to his hands trying to stop him.

"Edward people are looking!"

"Say it and I'll stop," he laughs tickling my sides. He then drops me as he falls on top of me. I laugh more and smile up at him. He chuckles and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Fine," I poke his nose giggling. He laughs scrunching his nose.

"Coolness, then it's a date," he winks and gets up as he grabs to my hands helping me up.

"I hate you."

"You love me so shush," he smiles as his dimples make a beautiful appearance on him.

"Umm you want to grab some food?" I question. He smiles wider nodding.

"I will love to ma' lady," he bows his head down making me laugh.

"You're such a dork."

"Hey I'm trying to be a gentleman over here," he snickers as he grabs my hand leading me to his car.

"Is this your car now?"

"It's my mum's but since she's at work all day I drop her off so I can use it," he smiles opening the passenger door for me.

"Thank you Mr. Gentleman."

"Your so welcome ma'am."

I laugh getting in as he goes to his side and drives off. It takes us a while to decide where we want to go eat.

The more I spend with Edward, the more I realize how unexpected he turned out to be. To think Harry was like this, and Edward wasn't capable of being fun and sweet, he proved me wrong.

Edward turned out to be better than I expected. 

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