Chapter: 5

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Song for this Chapter: I Like Me Better; Lauv


Chapter: 5

Wednesday; August 15, 2018


Last night, Anna texted me how her visit with her uncle went. I wish I was there with her, I know for a fact she would be crying and needing my comfort.

I hate distance.

It's such a bitch.

My roommate Edgar is a pretty chill guy. Though he always goes out to parties. He smokes but he's not the type to force it out on you to do it. To pressure you into a life you don't want. He understands who I am and respects me like I respect him.

His hair is dark, spiked up, he has gauges on his ears, not too big either. Just a small decent size. He also has a nose piercing, and many tattoos. My mum would die of a heart attack if she knew what kind of friend I made.

I want to get another tattoo, something that represents my Anna.

Edgar is so down and he knows many tattoo parlors in the city. He also promised me a tour and that's where we're heading to today.

He went out to run some errands, I took this opportunity to call my Anna.

FaceTime most precisely.

I love seeing her, she's so precious she makes me fall in love all over again.

Soon she answers and my smile widens seeing her beautiful face behind the screen of my phone.

"Hey love, how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright," she chuckles smiling at me. "You? What are your plans for today?"

"Hmm well Edgar is giving me that tour he owes me. I'm just going to hang with him, get to know New York more. It's so exciting I think I took so many pictures."
"You're so cute," she giggles.

"No you are sweetheart," I smile winking at her. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too Harry. I wish I could hug you, I really need it," she sighs.

"Your visit with your uncle really got to you huh."

"Yeah, I hate seeing him that way. I want to help him. But I know that will be useless, there's nothing to do."

"He will be out soon baby girl, I know so."

"How are you so sure? Can you see the future?" She grins making me laugh.

"Yes I can."

"Okay Mr. Wizard, what's going to happen in the future?"

"Hmm so much."

"Like whaaaa."

"You're too cute," I chuckle as she just rolls her eyes smiling. "Hmm I see you and me, having little Anna's and Harry's running around our big beautiful mansion."

"Harry oh my gosh," she giggles.

       "Harry oh my gosh," she giggles

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