Chapter: 59

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If you haven't read chapter 58 I suggest you go do that (: or else you wouldn't understand this chapter lmao duh :D

Long chapter enjoy!


Chapter: 59

Sunday; February 28, 2021

Hours prior...


My thoughts have been invading my mind ever since last night. I don't know if I should tell Savannah or not. She already dislikes her cousin, not sure if I'll make things worst with these accusations.

I let out a sigh as I finish washing the dishes from our breakfast.

"Harry you should have let me wash them," my mother grabs my arm gently. I smile at her drying my hands.

"Too late, it's all done," I grin as she just rolls her eyes chuckling.

"Next time I do it," she motions to me to lean down as she kisses my cheek. "You're so tall no fair."

"Yes I'm tall so I can hug you like this mama," I laugh hugging her tight.

"Harry!" She giggles. I smile kissing the top of her head then pull back. "Is something worrying you?" She frowns noticing the change in my expression.

"It's just that..." I sigh.

"Did you get in a fight with Savannah? You didn't tell me how that dinner went," she pouts putting her fist on her hip as she shakes her head. I smile looking down at my hands.

"You and Savannah broke up?" I hear Edward as he enters the kitchen. He's in grey sweats and a black muscle shirt as his hair is all over the place. He always wakes up late on Sundays.

"No. We are fine," I say.

"Oh Eddie," mum gasps crossing her arms. She then walks over to him as she pushes his hair back trying to reach him since she's short. "You didn't even wash up? Your brother and I already ate breakfast."

"Maaaa," he groans as she tries to comb his hair with her hand with the help of a bit of saliva. "Eww no! Uggh I'll be right back." He rushes upstairs as I just laugh.

"He can't be this sloppy," mum smiles. She crosses her arms against her chest as she leans back against the counter and looks at me. "What's going on? What happened at the dinner?"

"It's Anna's cousin," I say biting my bottom lip nervously.

"What about her cousin?" My mum raises her eyebrows.

"She uh—"

"Okay I'm good smell me," Edward rushes back as he lifts up his arm so she can smell his armpit.

"Edward!" My mum pushes him back and shakes her head. He laughs as he takes out the milk from the fridge. I wait for him as he makes himself a milkshake. He sits down and eats his pancakes. My mum always spoils him with pancakes. "You were saying sweetheart?" She looks at me with a smile.

"Her cousin tried to make a move on me."

As soon as I said that, Edward chokes on his food.

"Edward you okay?!" My mum's eyes widen looking at him worriedly. He nods as he takes a sip of his shake. He wipes his mouth with a napkin as he looks at me with wide eyes.

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