Chapter: 25

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Chapter: 25

Friday; November 2, 2018


The whole car ride was silent as Fredrick hasn't really said a word to me. Why does that bother me? It's like finally, took him long enough to get the message right? I don't want him bothering me, but it's weird that I do...

I frown looking out the window. Soon we arrive to my school. I look over the front expecting for him to say something, he doesn't.

"Uh thanks," I say but Fred doesn't say anything but wait for me to get out. I do and shut the door walking over towards the building. I look over watching him drive off.

That was awkward...

Why am I feeling disappointed if that's what I wanted, for him to leave me alone.


"Gosh!" I jump back startled by Aaron as he grins over at me. We are still outside in front of the school. Everyone around are heading inside or walking around before the bell rings. The buses start parking in front of the building as students hurry to get out.

I just watch as the buses are long gone.

"Are you okay?" Aaron chuckles.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I frown at him.

"I was waiting for you."
"For what?"

"Well... you know... last night was a success right?" He grins and wiggles his eyebrows. I roll my eyes biting the inside of my cheeks. I'm trying not to smile because the date wasn't at all bad...

I hear him sigh then look over as he frowns.

"I know you liked it."

"Liked what?" I chuckle.

"The date. You enjoyed it, you like me. Admit it," he smiles more as I just scoff.

"Yeah right, I was just being nice."

"Whatever Rachel, so another date? Maybe on this one I can steal a kiss?"

"Not going to happen," I roll my eyes chuckling.

"You wanted it to happen! I saw that look, when we were at the beach, you so wanted me to kiss you."

"Oh please, you were imagining things."

"Rachel come on. Don't lie, you liked it..." He smirks as he teases me.

I'm about to yell at him when I then spot Louis' car parking in front of us. Ash gets out as she waves at Louis shutting the door and walks past us.

I follow her not caring for Aaron at the moment, as I catch up to her entering the building.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Mmhm," she responds walking fast.

"Ash, what's going on? You literally walked past me like if I was ghost or something," I chuckle then she stops walking as she looks over at me.

"Did you know Harry broke up with Savannah?"

I furrow my eyebrows as I'm taken back by this. Whoa.

"Really? Umm I didn't know, when did this happen?"

"Yesterday, and guess what?" Ash laughs wiping away her tears.

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