Chapter: 18 Part 2

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Hello babes :) sorry for taking long again, I been so busy but I'm managing to update again.

I want to dedicate this chapter to one of my best friends, the most amazing girl on earth. I love her so much! She's moving and I'm hoping where she moves she still has internet because I can't imagine not being able to communicate with her :( she's the best, always making me smile and laugh, I love you so much -diosa

This is for you bby 😘😘❤❤❤



       I make my way out following Claudia catching up to her as I grab her arm gently. Her eyes gaze into mine as I stare back into hers. My heart skipping a beat as I hold to her arm gently lowering down to her hand as a blush creeps up on my face.

       I shake the thoughts away and chuckle as I let go off her hand.

       "Why are you leaving?"

       "Umm just uh forgot I have something to do," she says.

       "With your boyfriend? Where is he?"

       "He couldn't make it," she chuckles looking down playing with her hands.

       "So you're going to go with him, umm," I sigh looking down.

       "You know what? I'll stay. It's your birthday and I did promise I'll join you on this day."

       I look over at her as I smile and hug her tight.

       "Yay! Thank you. Come on," I grab her hand pulling her back inside. "Savvy, where did your date go?" I chuckle as she just stands alone by the wall.

       "He had to go. I'm just going to hang out with the girls," she smiles walking out to the backyard.

       "You owe me a dance," I grin at Claudia as she just furrows her eyebrows.

       "Why is that?"

       "You didn't bring me a birthday present."

       "Me being here is your birthday present," she laughs.

       "You were about to leave! Plus, a dance is included," I take both her hands then spin her around pulling her towards my chest as I move with the rhythm. A slow song playing as I sway with her. She giggles looking up at me as she wraps her arms around my neck.

       I smile looking down at her slowly dancing as I spin her around making her giggle. I pull her back to my chest as my arms are wrapped around her waist now. I can feel my heart beating like a drum as her hands land on my chest.

       Both of us staring into each other's eyes.

       "Give it up for the birthday boy!!!!"

       I groan as I hear Louis behind the mic as everyone cheers. I can't help but blush as the spotlight goes towards us, well me. Claudia smiles backing away as she grins clapping.

       "You going to sing for us or something mate?" Louis smirks as I just glare at him.

       I walk over to his side taking the mic from his hands.

       "Umm uh thanks everyone for being here with me, I hope you're all having fun," I smile saying as everyone continues to cheer and raise their cups up yelling all kinds.

       I laugh and look over at Claudia as she smiles at me.

       It's like seeing an angel, right on that spotlight, seems like it's just her and me.

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