Chapter: 13

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Long chapter enjoy (:

Claud this one is for you 😘


Chapter: 13

Wednesday; August 22, 2018


Edward saved me big time on Monday. I'm still thankful for him doing what he did. He saved major money going onto the company, even though my father should be more responsible it was his job to be here for them or for his stupid friend to be here. Since he does all the work for him. Now I take manners in my own hands.

I started taking some online classes actually, my mother or father don't know. As I'm not doing much in the office, I start doing my work for school right there. It's hard to concentrate at times as I would be getting calls and so on.

I rub my temples as my eyelids are trying to fight to not close as I stare at the computer screen.


I look up with a lazy smile as Claudia is standing by the doorway.

"What is it?"

"Louis wants to speak to you, should I let him in?"

"Yes darling, umm by the way, you don't have to bother in getting out of your desk to come and tell me. That's why there's the machine to notify me."

"Oh yeah, sorry I forget," she smiles shyly then walks out as Louis makes his way in closing the door behind him.

"What's up Lou?" I rub chin and yawn.

"Wow you look like crap," he chuckles and takes a seat in front of my desk as I log out of my account.

"I been taking online classes, I had to get caught up. A lot of homework and plus this," I sigh.

"But I thought you weren't going to take any classes because you're focusing on your father's business."

"I know, but I don't want to lose a year."

"Don't stress yourself either Niall."

"Yeah yeah. What do you want?"

"Uh I just wanted to chat, we haven't for a while like old pals you know."

"And of what do you want to chat about?" I chuckle at him as he fiddles with his fingers.

"I'm not happy with Jadelyn."
"Wait, you two are still together?"

"Yeah, she lives in L.A now remember? It's just I don't feel anything for her. I guess I was excited someone finally likes me, that I gave her a chance."
"Oh I see. You need to be honest with her Louis."

"I know. I'm going to end things with her once I see her again. It's not fair for her."

"Is that all you wanted to talk?" I chuckle.

"Well yes and also how you been? Besides work? I mean no girls out there you wanna charm?"

"I don't have time for girls Lou," I laugh sitting back.

"Oh pleaseeee. What about Claudia?" He smirks leaning forward on the desk. "Dude I see the way you look at her."

"She's my friend, like you and the rest are."
"Liar. Dude just ask her out."

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