Chapter: 6

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Just saying, I love this chapter 😂


Chapter: 6

Thursday; August 16, 2018


These days have been interesting, as that jerk that pushed me and didn't help me up is in my art class. He's one of those cocky assholes that think that just with a smile they can charm any girl.

I got to admit he is actually cute. He has a bit of long brown hair that doesn't make him look too weird, it goes with him along with his smile as dimples appear on both sides of his cheeks. He gets on my nerves though and I hate him.

Along with Rick, or Fredrick whatever his name is. He thinks he's better than me since my mom didn't listen to my orders of not wanting a driver especially him. He has her support.

We always end up arguing, as he never gets anything right. He frustrates me to the point that I cry to myself. I even annoy myself. It's just after everything that happened, it's hard to tell where you are safe, who you can trust.

Heck I don't even trust myself.

I sigh as I make my way downstairs.

"Good morning miss," Rick greets me as I just roll my eyes.

"Save it," I respond walking out the door. I guess the girls are right and he was just nervous the first time, he has gotten better in driving. As he drops me off I glare at him walking out.

"Same hour miss?" He gets off looking over at me.


I make my way over towards Ash.

"What took you so long? Edward picked me up around the same time you left," she chuckles as we walk inside. London sighs looking at her phone as she looks at us. "What's wrong with you?"

"Jessica is such a bitch."

"What did she do now?" I chuckle.

"She's in New York, told me how she bumped with Harry and told him I'm with her. Like why would she lie about that?"

"That's weird," Ash replies.

"I don't know what the purpose of that is but she told me Harry asked her out?"

"What?" Ash and I ask at the same time. What the actual fuck?
"That's fucking stupid," I snap.

"I know. Isn't Harry dating Savannah?" She frowns looking down.

"He is, and I wish Edward could tell me the answers but he's been acting weird lately," Ash says as we start walking towards the cafeteria.

"Weird how?" I ask.

"He's distant, he's hardly home and Anne is worried too but she tells me when he comes back he seems to be fine. Today we were just very quiet on our way here. Something is up, I might just be paranoid for no reason."

"Hey I'm sure everything is good, you should talk to him about it," London adds. "I should talk to Anna about what my sister said."

"No!" I protest as both girls look at me with raised eyebrows. "Look, Anna doesn't need to know lies that your sister says. I know they are lies please. I never trusted her. If she lied about you being in New York with her, of course she's lying of Harry asking her out."

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