Chapter: 63

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Chapter: 63

Thursday; March 4, 2021


The next following morning I wake up with a smile on my face. And it's an honest one, because I felt really happy to actually be waking up next to Harry. This felt different and more special.

I smile stroking his cheek careful not to wake him. His mouth is agape as quiet snores come out from there. His breathing slow and steady as his eyelashes flutter occasionally. Leaning closer, I kiss his cheek gently prudently but that causes Harry to leisurely open his eyes. A smirk plastered on his lips.

The blush is evident on my cheeks as he lets out a cackle and pulls me closer.

"Morning," his raspy morning voice causes my body to tingle.

"G-good morning," I smile slyly as I lay my head on his warm chest. I can hear his heartbeat as he breathes steadily his chest rises up and down.

"How did you sleep love?"

"Great, you?" I smile looking up at him. He smiles kissing my nose.

"Amazing when it's you that I wake up to."

I laugh and sit up as I stroke my hair back.

"I should get going."

"Already?" He pouts sitting up his eyebrows knitting together.

"Yeah, I don't think my mom likes that I'm sleeping over at your place," I chuckle as I grab my bra putting it on. Harry watches me in 'awe' as I continue to put the rest on, completely changed now as I put my hair up in a ponytail.

I make my way to the restroom and put toothpaste on my finger as I rub it against my teeth then spit it out and wash up. I should consider in bringing my own toothbrush if this will happen regularly.

As I finish, I walk back to his room as he has his jeans on and grabs his shirt. I blush as I watch, his back to me. Harry's muscles tense up as he slips the shirt on him.

He looks over and smiles at me.


I nod and take his hand as he kisses my cheek then uses the restroom to wash up. After that we walk out and go to the kitchen as Edward and Anne are there having breakfast.

Edward raises his eyebrows staring at us. He let's out a snort as he looks down at his plate. I gulp rubbing my hands together as this causes my nerves to go out the window.

"Good morning," Anne raises her eyebrows at us. "Nice to see you again Savannah."

"Good morning Anne," I smile awkwardly.

"Are you staying for breakfast?" She asks.

"I'm taking her home. I'll be back in a bit," Harry answers as he leans down kissing her cheek. I smile waving at her as I follow Harry out. Edward lets out a cough as I just ignore him feeling really uncooperative.

Harry drives me home and as usual, walks me to my front door. He kisses me and walks back to his car waiting for me to get inside before he drives off.

I sigh walking inside as I'm greeted by an angry Ivana.

"Where have you been young lady?!"

"Uggh where else?" I roll my eyes as she approaches me with her fists on her hips.

"Explain yourself! You don't call, nothing!"

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