Chapter: 24

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Another chapter :D

This is dedicated once again to my bestie Claudia I love you so much girl she's moving tomorrow and I just hope we still have her around, that I can still contact her 😭😭 She's amazing, follow her btw :) I love you bby you deserve this chapter finally what you been waiting for 😘😘❤❤


Chapter: 24

Friday; November 2, 2018


I didn't get the chance to talk with Savannah at all since Wednesday, just now she told me how Harry broke up with her. I would beat his ass once I see him, no one hurts my best friend like that.

What surprised me the most is that Edward was here and watched a movie with her. I didn't say much of it because I don't want to upset her since she's going through a lot already. Including her mom leaving her for some months.

Her hair isn't a mistake, at least she didn't chop it off as some girls with broken hearts would, then turn their attention to a razor. Savannah didn't do that. She just wanted to feel better about herself, making her look pretty helps some. And I'm grateful it's that way.

I hug her tight before she leaves as she just wanted to go out. I finish getting ready as there's a knock on the door. I frown walking over to it opening it as Edward smiles awkwardly.


"Savannah isn't here," I frown glancing at him.

"Oh, do you know where she went?"

"Well I know she went for a walk, she did mention in going to visit her uncle."

"Oh, thanks. Umm how you been?"

"I'm great, I see you're doing well too? Knowing that Savvy is single and all."

"I'm with Ash, relax," he chuckles.


"I'm for real. Umm see you around," he walks away as I shut the door rolling my eyes to myself as I grab my bag and heels.


I been dealing with a stressful Niall all day long. His veins would be visible showing off his anger towards Marcus. I would do my best to calm him down as sometimes it would work.

He has never yelled at me, at times it would be by accident, but he would apologize if he has.

I went out for my lunch break then came back with some drinks and food for Niall. He said he wasn't hungry as he would keep working. He's been doing school online, and that's stressing him more. It worries me.

"Oh you're such a sweetheart," I'm startled as Marcus grabs a cup from the tray I'm holding and takes a sip after putting on the straw.

"That wasn't for you," I scoff.

"Well it's now mine right?"

"Don't you think you should be acting like your age? Try to be mature."

"I mean, Niall isn't much of a man," he shrugs. "And you like him."

"What? You don't know me, and Niall is more man than you."

"Don't make me laugh," he cackles drinking the beverage.

"I'm not doing anything," I huff annoyed.

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