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Days go on, months pass by. And yet Harry has been laying on that bed still with no response. I know he can hear me, but he can't move.

I would read him a book, tell him about my days.

I would visit him every day.

It kills me inside that he is that way, that he can't enjoy life. He has many dreams to accomplish still.

For Christmas I decorated his room, making it more cheerful and for him to enjoy the holiday spirit.

I couldn't believe what I saw days after him being hospitalized.

Along with his things, was this beautiful ruby engagement ring.

He was going to propose.

And I ruined it.

But I'm not giving up, he will wake up, and we will live our happily ever after.

No more lies,

no more trouble.

Trouble Follows (H.S) [Book 2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now