Chapter: 44

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I kept my word so here is an update :)


Chapter: 44

Monday; February 1, 2021


Living with Alexa has been hard for me since I can't help but admire her at every chance I get without her noticing. I started to grow a huge crush on her, ever since she became close to me. Ever since she saved me from my father. I can handle myself, but she was just an angel.

My heart would always beat at a fast rate every moment she would be near me. I sound like a little kid getting my first crush ever.

I sat on the stool at the kitchen counter as I finished my cereal. I decide to call Edward and wish him a happy birthday.

"Hey mate! How's your birthday starting out?" I chuckle as I hear him groan.

"It's fucking early to ask that. Thanks for waking me up..."

"Oh no problem," I laugh. "How's Harry doing?"

"How should I know? I just woke up."

"Sorry sorry, how about I take you both for some drinks tonight? Unless you have plans."

"I can't. I have plans with Sa—umm I mean with Harry and uh mum."

I frown hearing him stumble upon his words.

"Okay... uh alright then. Have fun mate! Send my birthday wishes to your brother for me."

"Will do. Bye," he yawns then hangs up.

I am too focused on my cell that I don't take notice of Alexa. I look up startled as my eyes travel down her body. She grabs a bowl and sets it down in front of mine. She furrows her eyebrows staring at me confused.


"Is-Isn't that my shirt?" I gulp as my cheeks redden.

"Oh uh I'm sorry! It's so cozy I was hoping it was okay if I borrowed it but if its not okay then I'll take it off and give it back—"

"No no its fine. It looks better on you than on me," I chuckle blushing. She was wearing one of my shirts that fit big on her, seems like she's not wearing any bottoms since that's how long it is. But she's wearing her comfortable pj shorts. The shirt almost takes over her small frame.

"I have to go uh somewhere," I quickly get up and rush to my room to change clothes before she said anything else. I rush out of the apartment and make it out towards my car and drive to Louis'.

I saved up so much, even though my car isn't the newest edition or whatever, it is something and it works perfectly fine for me.

As soon as I arrive to Louis' I ring the doorbell repeatedly. He opens it as his eyes squint. His hair is all over the place, seemed like a bomb exploded on him.

He's wearing sweats and no shirt displaying his tattoos.

"What the fuck?" He rasps out in his morning voice.

"I'm guessing you're not an early morning person," I chuckle.

"You're fucking correct, what do you want?"

"To talk?"

"That couldn't wait?" He groans stepping aside letting me in. His bare feet drag him towards his bedroom then comes back as he puts on a shirt and some socks. "What is it so important that you dare come and interrupt my beauty sleep?"

Trouble Follows (H.S) [Book 2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now