Chapter: 67

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Finally the chapter you all been waiting for ;)


Song for this Chapter: Face Down; The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Chapter: 67

Tuesday; March 9, 2021


"I thought Bobby Horan was the owner?" A client frowns as he glares at me seated in front of me.

"I'm his son. I'm the owner now, and whatever help you need, I'm here to assist you sir," I answer politely.

"Bobby Gary Horan? Are you sure he isn't working here anymore?"

I sigh frustrated running my fingers through my hair.

"No. He comes in occasionally. But if you want to speak to him directly I can set you up an appointment."

"That would be great. Tell him to give me a call then," he walks out just like that. I huff sitting back staring at the door.


The phone then rings as I sigh picking it up.

"I'm not in the mood for anymore clients Lucy."

I had to replace Savannah since I was in need of a front desk secretary. If Savannah wants to come back to work, she's always welcomed back. She's been going through a lot the past couple of months. I was glad Harry had that idea of throwing her a birthday party even though her birthday passed a while back. It was a nice gesture, very sweet and considerate.

"Claudia Tovar is here to see you sir. She doesn't look too well."

"What?! Send her in right away. What are you waiting for?!"

"Yes, Mr. Horan."

I stand up fixing my blazer as I walk around my desk watching the door. Minutes later there's a soft knock.

I walk over and open it as my eyes widen staring shockingly at a trembling Claudia. She has big shades on, I can spot a few recent bruises on her face.

"Claud, love what happened?!" I grab her arm gently pulling her inside as I close the door.

"I-I don't want to-to talk about it," she sniffles hugging herself.

"Claudia, baby," I lift her chin up staring down at her. I gently remove the glasses as I gasp staring at her bruised left eye. "Who did this?"


"It-it was m-my well ex-boyfriend," she cries looking down.

"You saw him?"

"I went with the courage to finally break up with him. He got so mad he started hitting me as if I was a punching bag."

My fists clinch as my jaw clenches tightly.

"The one that was your boyfriend for so long fucking did this?!"

"The reason why I was this long with him... was because he threatened me a lot. My parents set me up with him Niall," she sighs sitting down on the couch. I follow crouching in front of her as I grab to her hands looking up at her. "He seems nice but he's a complete monster. My parents left me with him ever since I graduated from high school, I was on my own. They moved to Mexico and I was in charge of being his woman. You know, more like a maid as in cleaning and cooking and all that crap. That's why I hardly spend it at the dorm with Savvy."

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