Chapter: 11

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Chapter: 11

Monday; August 20, 2018


Edward has helped me take my stuff over to my dorm, afterwards we went to Dion's as promised. I'm glad I was able to hang out with him, I'm glad there isn't any rage for me choosing his brother. When he announced he's dating Ash, I was relieved because I didn't want him to be sad for me. He deserves happiness.

I hope he fixes things with Ash, they look happy together and it has to stay that way.

Last night was my last night at my house. My mom drives me to my school as I start classes in an hour. I hug her goodbye as I make my way towards my dorm.

"Hey Claud," I grin as I catch her folding up her clothes putting them in her drawer.

"Hey Savvy," she walks over hugging me. I smile closing the door and set my bag down. I still have a lot of unpacking to do. I got too lazy yesterday to do it.

"What time is your class?" I smile asking her.

"It starts at ten. Yours?"

"Nine. It's too early," I groan laying down on my bed.

"We still have to decorate this room," she laughs sitting on her bed.

"I know. Maybe tomorrow? Tomorrow my classes are in the afternoon."

"How many classes you taking?"

"Four, two today and two tomorrow. Well Mondays and Wednesdays then Tuesdays and Thursdays."

"I have one today then another at night."

"What why?"

"I work with Niall remember?"

"But I'm sure he understands cause it's school."

"He does, tomorrow I'm taking the rest of my classes early. I'm taking five classes, today two and tomorrow three. I work with Niall after noon."

"Ahh well as long as he's understandable, tell him not to make you work a lot or I'll hurt him."

"Savvy," she giggles shaking her head. Well I'm going to go get some breakfast. Wanna come?"

"Umm I already ate, I'll see you later though. Don't work too hard."

"I won't," she smiles grabbing her bag waving as she leaves the room. I stay laying down for a while until I sit up and grab my phone.

I call Harry.


"Harry, I'm sorry," I sigh. This has been bugging me all night and I know I exaggerate and I should trust him.

"No Anna, I'm the one that's sorry. I should have called you, just left that stupid club. I'm sorry baby I really am."

"It's okay, I hope your day goes well."

"Yours too. I have class in five minutes, I really have to go, but I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, good luck. Miss you."
"Me too. Thanks. Bye Savannah."

I let out a sigh and decide to change clothes.


I got lost trying to find my class but finally make it. I walk inside awkwardly as everyone stares my way as I'm late.

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