Chapter: 66

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Marathon! :D I merged chapter 68 with 67 because it was going to come out short anyway so I just wrote a bit in the last part. So the chapter 70 that I wanted to stop before questions is going to be chapter 69 :) 

Get ready for a bumpy ride! ;) 

Enjoy chapters 66-69 :D and the chapter of questions afterwards where you can ask away :)


Song for this Chapter: When You Look Me In The Eyes; Jonas Brothers

Chapter: 66

Monday; March 8, 2021


Savannah has been acting strange lately. I haven't seen her until just yesterday and she's been quite quiet... she had her thinking face on, her mind focused way too much on who knows what. She would hardly eat, or laugh at my made-up jokes.

She wasn't paying much attention to me. Today, I decided to go and surprise her at school. She's still going to college, has been behind and I know she wants to finish already.

I wait by my car as my hands are inside my front pockets. I grin as I spot her walking by the fountain. I rush over behind her and cover her eyes.

"Guess who..."

"Hmmm. That voice...," she chuckles.

"If you say Edward, I'll go murder him," I laugh.

"Then that leaves out another man that sounds like Edward. Hmm maybe a triplet?" She laughs jokingly.

"Oh come on," I pout uncovering her eyes as she turns around with a smile.

"I'm kidding, don't take me too seriously when it comes to joking," she chuckles.

"I know I know," I laugh and smile cheekily at her. "Hi."
"Hello Harry. What brings you here?" She smiles fixing the strap of her bag on her shoulder.

"I came to see you baby. What else?"

"That's it?" She raises her eyebrows.

"And... to give you this," I smile cupping her right cheek as I lean down kissing her. I feel her smile against my lips as she kisses back. I pull away and wink at her. "And... hoping you would go on a date with me. If you have no other plans that is."

"Hmm. I'm kind of grounded but I wouldn't mind escaping for you."

"You're grounded?" I frown. "Why?"

She shrugs.

"I been going out without permission, also I have been ignoring my mom. If I'm going to be doing that then might as well just stay in my room grounded until I decide to stop being a brat."

"Anna... are you ignoring her because of what you found out the other day?"

"What? How do you know?" Her eyes widen.

"You told me? You called me saying you found a letter and you wanted to go looking for that guy that might know something of your dad. Or he could be your dad."

"Ah. Umm right... yeah I'm upset because she won't tell me herself who my dad is."

"You haven't investigated on your own have you?" I furrow my eyebrows observing her.

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