Chapter: 20

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All my girls have points of views for this (: London will have one soon promise! 

Enjoy this long chapter hehehe >:)


Chapter: 20

Tuesday; October 2, 2018


I can't believe it's been almost a month since Niall's party, and everyone is still talking about it. Mostly everyone from school went apparently. I don't think Aaron did. I haven't seen him, if he was there he would of come up to me right?

What the heck why am I thinking of that jerk?

Halloween decorations are all around our school preparing for the holiday.

I'm hoping for something more daring this Halloween, not just going to chat at the cemetery, maybe we can go all extreme this year.

I'm lost with my own thoughts as I don't hear the sudden accent that's trying to speak to me.


I frown and catch Aaron staring at me as he's standing in front of me.

"Uh what?" I huff seeming annoyed.

"Will you like to go to the Halloween dance with me? It shall be fun. We can maybe find an awesome matching costume."

"Eww what?! That's so cliché and uh not necessary since we're not a couple."

"And who's fault is that?" He grins as I just roll my eyes.

"Well I already have plans for Halloween. Either way it's a stupid idea to plan a dance on a Wednesday night."

"Hey as long as it's a party its cool with me," he smiles proudly.

"Find someone else pretty boy," I walk off as I hear him behind me.

"At least you admit that I'm pretty!"

Clenching my fists together as I get frustrated walking over to Ash and London who are giggling watching me.

"What did that boy ever do to you?" London frowns.

"Do I have to say it again? He tripped me and laughed at me," I huff glaring at them.

"You should give him a chance," Ash says.


"He seems to be into you Rache. Poor guy."

"He flirts with every other girl, I don't think he's into me."
"He might flirt with others, but you're the only one he comes back to," London shrugs.

"Because I reject him, once he gets what he's looking for, then he'll dump me."

"Not every guy is like that—"

"Was Zayn a saint to you?" I raise my eyebrows at Ash interrupting her as she just bites her lip. "Fine, it's just a dance anyway."

"Yay!" London cheers.

"But for a bit, then we are all doing something more fun yeah?"

"Oh gosh I don't know," Ash groans. "I want that day to be special, I have a boyfriend and I want to spend it with him."

"Don't you see him every day? Geez woman."

"Not every day, we're getting there. He's sorry for being a jerk so I'm giving him another chance."

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