Chapter: 30

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I'll see if I can update more later or tomorrow (:

Hope you like the updates! :D


Song for this Chapter: You And Me; Lifehouse

Chapter: 30

Tuesday; December 4, 2018


I couldn't find much yesterday as Niall kept asking me if I found anything. I tried again today as Marcus and Gary were at a meeting. I sneaked into Marcus' office trying to be careful to not make a mess.

I went through a couple of files but nothing. I frown as I tried to open the bottom drawer of his desk, but it's locked.

There has to be something there. I need a key or something to open it with.

My heart starts skipping fast as I hear voices outside the room.

"Fuck," I curse to myself in a whisper as I look around to find some hiding spot. I'm not fast enough as the doorknob jiggles.

I quickly duck down and hide under the desk.

"Yes baby yes," I hear Marcus' voice as he enters and shuts the door. "Hmm. How about tomorrow night. No no, I'm just busy with work."

I gulp as I spot his feet in front of me as he takes a seat.

"Sweetheart don't do that to me," he groans. "I'm at work right now. I promise I'll make you feel good tomorrow." He chuckles. "You're my only one I promise. Okay see you tomorrow, bye bye," I hear him making kissing noises through phone making me cringe. "Adelyn baby, I'm free tonight."

Another chick? This dude moves fast.

"Wear that sexy lingerie I got you hmm? Can't wait."

I need to get out of here grr.

There's a door knock as my heart tenses.

"Yes?" Marcus asks.

"Hey Marcus mind coming with me?" I hear Mr. Horan then Marcus gets up as I see his legs moving further away. I hear the door shut.

I wait a few moments before slowly crawling out of the desk looking around as the coast is cleared.

"Niall you owe me so much bastard," I sigh in relief as I hurry to make my way out.


Later that day I called Niall letting him know of the drawer that Marcus has locked. He said we can talk about it once I get home.

I decide to end things once and for all with Jadelyn.

The only thing that sucks is that she lives in L.A. So I took a plane there. I wasn't going to drive for two hours.

I knock on her door as minutes later she answers. She hugs me tight as she squeals. I pull back giving her a weak smile.

She then lets me in as she offers me something to eat or drink. She blabbers on but I stop her.

"I didn't come to stay Jade. I came to end things," I sigh as I hold to her arms looking down at her firmly.


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