Chapter: 16

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Chapter: 16

Monday; September 10, 2018


"No my father put me in charge. What? No! What do you mean—wait... go to hell! We don't need your bloody money. Oh yeah? Fuck off asshole."

I enter just standing in Niall's office completely stunned by his phone conversation. He hangs up angrily almost dropping the phone as he struggles to put it in place. He runs his fingers through his hair frustrated then his gaze meets mine.

"Oh uh Claud..."

"I'm so sorry, you told me not to knock and I'm used to knocking I don't know why I didn't this time...?" I bite my lip nervously smiling shyly. He laughs motioning me to come in further. I close the door behind me and walk over to his desk.

"Is everything okay?" I ask as I take a seat.

"Yeah... just hard finding sponsors."

"Don't you have money?"

"Well... still," he laughs. "My father's idea of creating a purifying water that helps you lose weight is pretty pathetic. Water in general helps you as long as you eat healthy and exercise. He just wants to create something more like a lazy hack kind of thing."

"Umm I never heard of such thing, I know of pills that can help weight loss but just water?"

"I want to change it. Create something else."

"Like what?" I smile at him wanting to hear out his ideas.

"I want to help out those who need it. I want money invested on the people that have nothing. I don't want to create stuff that is useless. Why not make a home for the homeless, create medicines that can help those who aren't getting cured. I don't know, I'm just not big on ideas but I know I want to put this money into better use."

"That's sweet Niall," I smile at him as I watch how his eyes has a twinkle in them as he thinks through this. He rubs his stubbled chin and smiles at me leaning forward on his desk clasping his hands together.

"What did you need love?"

"Umm oh right!" I hand him over some documents as he takes a look.

"Thank you. Oh do you mind canceling my meetings for Thursday? Then you can go," he smiles at me as I nod.

"Of course, I'll cancel them right now," I get up as he stops me.

"Umm Claud? You can take the afternoon off. You need time for yourself sweetheart."


"No buts," he laughs sitting back crossing his right leg over his left. "Also you have Thursday off. You'll see why tonight."

I frown confused but nod at him with a smile.

"Thank you Niall."


After class I make my way to the dorms into mine and Savannah's. I smile at her hugging her tight.

"Seems like forever that I've seen you hmm?"

"I know girl, where you run off to?" She laughs as she sits back on her bed, textbook and binder opened with many highlighters, pens, pencils and a calculator.

"Just work, school. Niall gave me the afternoon though so," I shrug smiling. "I have class but after it want to finally decorate this room? It's so simple with a few posters."

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