Chapter: 54

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Chapter: 54

Wednesday; February 24, 2021


Yesterday was a rough day, saying goodbye to my uncle. My grandpa took his room, even though at the funeral he seemed strong and not let out his tears, he did as soon as he stepped into Zac's bedroom.

My uncle and aunt were staying at the guest room, and obviously I had to share my own room with Casey.

Again, I had to sleep on the carpet. As if what I'm going through isn't enough.

I was going through my photo album as I would let out tears at every picture of me and uncle Zac.

The door then burst open as that causes me to look up glaring at Casey who walks in like nothing.

I scoff and look back down at the photos.

"Oh come on! You're so pathetic," she grabs the book from me.

"Give it back!" I get off bed trying to grab it but she just backs away hiding it behind her.

"You touch me and I tell my mom!"

"You're such a bitch!!" I yell at her.

"What did you say?!"

Oh great...

Casey makes a face letting me know I'm in trouble. She pouts with a smirk.

"She took my book," I tell my aunt.

"You called her a bitch, what is your problem huh?" She walks over grasping my arm making me wince.

"Because she—"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," she raises her eyebrows. I don't really finish it afraid of what else is coming from her.

I guess I haven't spent that much time with my aunt to figure out she is so aggressive...

"That book is important to me, please," I say as tears escape my eyes.

My aunt rolls her eyes.

"Give her the book."

"But mom—"

"Give it to her," Alison says loud and clear. Casey huffs and glares at me as she then smirks throwing the book. She laughs as she walks out with her mom.

I kneel down grabbing the book and hug it to my chest as I lay against my bed on the carpet sobbing.

I take a shower after crying for a while then change all in black. I sound pathetic I know, but I wasn't getting over the fact that my uncle is gone. It will take time but it still hurts.

I text Harry to come pick me up. Hoping he wants to do something. I can't stay at this house any longer.

I hid all my important stuff at the back of my closet. Mostly my electronics and pictures and important stuff like that.

Harry texted me like half an hour later that he is outside my house.

I rush downstairs as I'm stopped by my mom.

"Where are you going?"

"Out," I reply coldly.

"You're seriously going to let your daughter speak to you like that?" I hear my aunt say. I look over glaring over at them.

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