Chapter: 27

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Third update for tonight (: 

I hope you like the flashbacks 😭❤❤


Song for this Chapter: Sidelines; Maiya

Chapter: 27

Saturday; December 1, 2018


Finals are this week, and I'm trying hard to study but all I could think about is everything I been through. Harry acting strange to the point that he ended things, Louis being rude to me, Edward has been trying to reach me. He did respect my space as he hasn't showed up at my dorm anymore.

I felt relieved, I don't want trouble with Louis or Ash.

Louis said I'll lose my friends too if I keep seeing Edward, either way I already lost them. The only one trying to talk with me is Rachel. I shut her out completely.

I just been wanting to be alone, I haven't told Claudia what happened because I didn't want to worry her or anything.

I been feeling so down, I'm a prisoner in my own room. I hardly eat well. Even Claudia noticed how I been losing weight this past week, ever since that party.

I feel sick to my stomach.

The fact that my own mother lied to me where she was going, just pushed it.

I would be crying so much until my tears would just dry off. I would cry until I ran out of tears, until I couldn't cry anymore.

No, I didn't hurt myself as in self harm, I turn to chocolate whenever I feel so down. I would eat so much chocolate until my stomach says that's enough. I know it won't help at all if I did cut. I don't want people to feel pity for me, to think I'm insane. I'll be fine soon enough. It's just temporary.

I decided to go back to my house, and stay there. I cleaned my room and went through stuff. Only to find pictures of me and Harry. My heart sunk finding his notes, everything he gave me.

Tears escape as I grab the penguin that he gave me as I hug it. Harry started giving me gifts through my locker to win me completely over.

Sorry if this penguin is ugly, it's the best I could find ha. His eyes show sadness because he wants you to accept in being my girl already. He roots for us. Havannah all the way (; lol. His name is Bob, take good care of him as if he was your baby

All the love.

H. xx.

I smile at the note he gave me along with the penguin.


"Did you like it?"

"The note or the penguin?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Both," he giggles scratching the top of his nose.

"I like them both," I smile grinning. "Bob is not ugly how dare you call him ugly?"

He laughs more.

"Sorry love, truth hurts."


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