Chapter: 61

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Chapter: 61

Tuesday; March 2, 2021


"Harry! Baby come on out, you have to eat," I hear my mum outside my bedroom door. I sigh rubbing my eyes not wanting to get out of bed.

Yesterday I tried to talk to Anna. I went to her house but her mum told me how she wouldn't get out of her room. She doesn't want to see me. Ms. Erickson told me to try again the next day. Today is that day.

Though I feel useless, Savannah doesn't want to hear me out. I been sleeping a lot since Sunday. Making my whole body completely numb and worthless. I feel like doing nothing.

"Harry don't make me go in there!" I hear Edward yell out from the other end of the door.

I groan inwardly as I sit up.

"I'll be there," I scoff and get out of bed. I scratch the back of my neck as I walk to the washroom. Staring at myself at the mirror staring at the ink on my body then sigh. I turn on the faucet on the sink throwing water onto my face. I was barefoot only wearing boxers, the floor was cold but that didn't bother me.

I turn on the faucet of the shower and remove my boxers as I get in lazily, shutting the curtains as I stand under the cold water suddenly shuddering.

I close my eyes and lean on the shower wall my hand on it as I look down moving my wet hair back. My muscles flex as I just stand there with hands on the wall.

I need to make this up to Anna. A way to get her to listen, to know I'm not lying. For her to trust me.

I stand up straight and grab the shampoo and start rubbing it on my hair as I then rinse it off. Finishing up with the soap on the loofah and scrubbing my body. I rinse once more then turn off the shower.

Letting the droplets fall slowly down my body before grabbing my towel and drying off. Wrapping the towel around my torso I walk out and towards my bedroom grabbing a new pair of boxers, skinny black jeans, a polo shirt, and black boots.

I finish changing then I brush my teeth, blow dry my hair then run my fingers through it. I apply my deodorant and some cologne as I grab my keys and wallet from my dresser. I walk out of my room and down the stairs as both my mum and Edward look at me oddly from the kitchen. I walk over and kiss my mum's cheek.

"Dang bro, you poured the whole bottle," Edward grins.

"I have to go, but don't be in your room all day, I worry for you H," mum sighs.

"I'm going out don't worry," I smile at her.

"Good, there's food in the fridge. Take care," she cups my face kissing both my cheeks then goes to kiss Ed's. As soon as she leaves, Edward arches an eyebrow at me.

"What's going on? Savannah still isn't talking to you?"

"She ignores my calls, my messages, I went to go see her yesterday but her mum told me she doesn't want to see me."

"You going again?"

"Yeah, she has to believe me."

"I warned you about that cousin," he drinks from his mug. He grabs some bread and dips it inside assuming it's chocolate milk.

"Yeah I know, but I wasn't expecting what happened." After that incident, I told Edward what happened. Then told my mum yesterday as she would try to make me feel better by baking me a cake.

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