Chapter: 69

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Ahhh you guys ready for this chapter? 🙉

Song for this Chapter: Infinity; One Direction 

Chapter: 69

Friday; March 12, 2021


My mom wasn't home last night when I arrived from Harry's. My uncle was upset but he wasn't that mad. My grandpa was already sleeping so I didn't have to worry about him. I apologized to my uncle and he let me go to my room.

Since no one was home today, I went out. I wanted to see Harry, just being with him makes me feel much better. His company will always be my cure.

I frown not seeing his car around as I ring the doorbell. The door then opens revealing Edward. He frowns but lets me in.

"Savvy, what brings you here? Oh wait, Harry right?" He closes the door. I sigh nodding. "He's not here, he went shopping with mum. Would you like something to drink?"

"N-no thank you. I'll just wait here for him if that's okay?" I walk to the living room sitting down on the couch.

"Y-yeah, I just don't know how long he's going to be out for," he walks over and sits beside me. "I can put you a movie if you want? Just so you don't get bored, I'll be out of your way I promise," he laughs.

"It's fine Ed," I giggle smiling at him.

"Damn. I wanted to punch that Drake's face ya know? For what he tried to do with you? And of course for what he did to Claudia."
"Well... Niall did that already so you don't have to worry."

"Seems like he didn't learn because he tried with you Savvy. I wanted to do the honors."

"Oh hush, I know you didn't like him at first," I chuckle.

"Well duh... he's been flirting with my girl."

I look at him as he suddenly freezes then coughs.

"S-sorry. You were my girl back then. But still, he shouldn't have done that."


It gets awkwardly silent. Edward decides to turn on the TV as he looks through the guide.

"Oooh! Back to the Future is on."

"Heyyy one of my favorites," I giggle. He grins and puts on the movie which is the second part.

He brings me a Dr. Pepper and one for himself along with some Turbo chips. We eat and watch the movie laughing at some parts and basically talking over Marty and the Doc already knowing their lines.

The movie finishes and Edward puts on Family Feud as we laugh at it.

"I miss this," Edward says. I smile over at him as he's already staring at me.

"Me too. I'm sorry about everything."
"I understand. I'm sorry too. For being such a jerk. I did love you, well I still do."


"No, I know," he chuckles. "I'll forget you one day. But honestly, I don't want to."

I sigh looking at him sadly. He puts the show on mute as he looks over at me moving closer.

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