Chapter: 22

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Keep in mind, Harry hasn't talked with Anna since August 20 D: 

I have no other words for this chapter... sorry 😭


Song for this Chapter: My Happy Ending; Avril Lavigne 

Chapter: 22

Thursday; November 1, 2018


I'm woken up by my cell ringing. I rub my eyes opening them slowly as I set my headphones aside along with my laptop. What a way to fall asleep.

I reach for my phone answering without looking at the caller I.D.

"Hello?" I answer in a raspy voice as I stretch.


My heart suddenly stops, eyes so wide as goosebumps appear onto my skin, my heart shaking inside of me.


"I need to talk to you uh."

"Wow. It's been like how many months...?"


"Oh yeah two months! Two months since we last spoke. And apparently we apologized to each other and what not. What excuse do you have now huh?!"

"I don't," he sighs from the other line.

"Are you going to say sorry? I mean because I don't even know if you're still my boyfriend," I laugh sarcastically as tears fight to come out. "What am I to you Harry?"

I hear him breathing but not a word coming from him.

"Why are you calling me? To then later not call me for another two months? Are we going to make a year this time?"

"Savannah stop please."

"I'm not doing anything Harry. You're the one acting like a complete asshole."

"I been so busy okay?! It's not always about you!"

I bite my lip my heart stopping.

"I didn't mean it like that. Sorry. Look, I know you have every right to be upset with me. I deserve it."

"Harry I miss you," I can't help but let out a sob. "But I know I have to be patient for when you come back. We can celebrate," I chuckle sniffling.

"I don't think I'm ever coming back."


"Just hear me out alright? I don't want to have to worry if I called or not... I'm busy and I know you're busy too. You have your school work, you have friends there. I have to adjust here, I should have said this before but I was afraid to even tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"That we're over Anna. I'm ending this because let's face it, it's not working out for us."

The tears fall down faster down my cheeks as I stay frozen listening to his words.

"It was a mistake to even think a long distance relationship will work. You get mad at me for not calling you or texting you. I can't deal with that pressure. If we bump into each other in a near future then we will see from then. But as of now, I can't be worried in giving you attention."

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