Chapter: 18 Part 1

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Long chapter enjoy :D


Chapter: 18

Thursday; September 13, 2018


"You're not serious!!"

I sigh as I drink my coffee setting it down as my mother continues to scold at me. I lean back on the chair as she paces around. Monica comes over putting down a basket of bread onto the dining table while my mother continues to shout nonsense startling Monica.

I smile at our maid assuring her it's okay as she makes her way back out.

"Mother," I raise my eyebrows as she just glares at me.

"Don't mother me."

"It's just a party! What's wrong with that?"

"It's Thursday."


"And... it's a school night Niall! Your sister and Ash go to school tomorrow, but of course you only think for yourself!"

"It's my birthday!"

"Well happy birthday but there's no party!"

"Say that to the DJ, the caterers, servers, dancers, strippers—"


I burst out laughing scrunching my nose as I grin at her.

"I'm kidding mother."

"You're going to end up giving me a heart attack one of these days Nialler," she huffs as her hand is over her chest.

"I love you too much to let that happen," I smile getting up walking over to her as I kiss her cheek. "I promise it won't be a crazy party. Rachel will go to sleep early I'll make sure of it," I chuckle as she my mother just rolls her eyes. "I love you."

"Yeah yeah I love you too."

Laughter fills the room as I hug her.

"Happy birthday sweetie."

"Thank you mum."


As the day goes on, my mother went out with her friends as I continue in planning my birthday party. My house is big, so it will be epic.

Theme: Masquerade.

The wonderful mystery of who's behind the mask. Everyone is excited, many people from high school said to be coming.

As I indicate the workers where to set up everything, I look down at my phone. I dial Claudia's number and wait as I let out a heavy breath.


"Hey Niall what's up?"

"You're coming right?"


"Please? Do it as my present. That's all I ask."

"Well since you insist," she laughs as I smile grinning to myself. "I'll see you then. Happy birthday Niall."

"Thanks love. I'll see you. And don't forget it's a masquerade party."

"I won't, I have my dress ready, I just need a mask."

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