Chapter: 57

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Chapter: 57

Saturday; February 27, 2021


I haven't gotten out of my room all day yesterday. I been crying non-stop until I fell asleep into a deep slumber. I even gain a headache from it.

My uncle knew how I was feeling therefore, he asked everyone to leave me alone. He would be the only one I would let in as he would hug me and talk to me. He would bring me food even though I wasn't hungry, I would eat just a bit to satisfy him.

It's like the whole world came crushing down on me just like that in a matter of seconds. My life took a steep turn.

I wasn't going to be the same.

My uncle wasn't going to let me suffer like that, to drown in my own tears and shut everyone out. My pain was his.

He had an idea for all of us to go out tonight to dinner. Hang out as a family, have fun and be free of arguments. I wasn't so thrilled of the idea though.

But I accepted for him.

My condition was of course, if I could bring Harry to tag along. He's the only one that can make any boring dinner not so boring.

Besides, I wasn't going to become besties with my cousin out of a sudden. That doesn't happen, not in my world.


"You'll have to be patient with her," Niall tells me as he hands me a soda. He serves himself some scotch as I refused to drink since it was only one in the afternoon. "Savannah is going through a rough time mate. She needs your full support."

"I worry about her," I sigh clinking at my own glass with my fingers as I wonder off staring at the far end wall.

"Be with her, she needs you more than anyone else right now," Niall smiles then raises his glass up as he drinks his alcohol drink. I give him a small smile chugging down my soda. My phone then beeps as I take it out of my pocket and checking my notifications.

"It's Anna."

"Is she okay?" Niall frowns.

"She invited me to go to dinner tonight, with her family," I sigh putting my phone back inside my pocket.

"And? You're not going?"

"Not sure if it's a good idea, her grandpa kind of scares me," I laugh a little. Niall grins and pats my back.

"And Zac was easy to get through?"

"He was a tough one to crack."
"Then go, like I said, Savvy needs you."

"Yeah I guess," I smile nodding finishing my soda.

After hanging out with Niall for a while longer, then saying goodbye to Claudia, I head back home as Edward was just walking down the stairs. He's been acting strange lately, distant.

"Hey mate," I nod at him as I close the front door behind me.

"Heyy. You were with Savvy?"

"I went to hang out with Niall."

"Ah, I see," Edward nods. "I'm going out for a drive," he walks past me as I look over.

"Edward, you okay man?"

"Yeah uh, I just need a distraction. I'm jobless so I'm bored as hell," he chuckles. I smile nodding as I watch him walk out.

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