Chapter: 19

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A lot of time jump :) enjoy! 


Song for this Chapter: Loved You First; One Direction

Chapter: 19

Monday; October 1, 2018


Is it a crime to actually love your brother's girlfriend? Well it kind of is I suppose... since it's one of the rules in the bible.

Even confessing my sins to a priest over and over again, I can't seem to stop feeling this way. Especially being unfaithful to my own girlfriend. Well I didn't make a move on Savannah, I wouldn't do that. She has a boyfriend, and I have a girlfriend. That's that.

It's not my fault that my heart feels that way, I'm listening to what my brain tells me to do. I'm staying with Ash. She's an amazing girl, and I know I'll only be hurt with Savvy.

To be fair, she did like me first...

I liked her first too...

The thing is, I was afraid to admit it. I had a small crush on her when I first saw her. Something attracted me to her, her innocence maybe? Nah that's too cliché to even think about.

I liked her first, it wasn't Harry who was in love with her first, it was me. I never admitted because I thought it was ridiculous I was feeling like this for a simple girl. As time went on, I realized how much I do love her.

Yeah right Edward you can't feel love... that's what everyone would say. But I know what I feel. My heart skips a beat every time I'm near her, every time she's on my mind I can't help but blush by just thinking about her. When she wants to hang out, I have no second doubts and go right to her.

She's the girl I want to be with.

But as of right now... she doesn't want to be with me.

Am I such a jerk in not ending things with Ash? Just because I'm afraid of being alone forever. Haha me alone? Yeah right.

Ash is too good for me. I don't deserve her, but I'm a coward to even admit my true feelings to her. I can't break up with her afraid to hurt her.

I should just enjoy our relationship, make it up to her. Yeah that's what I'll do.

Get Savvy out of my head, and put my all to Ash.

My girlfriend. My one and only.


No! Damn. No she shouldn't be on my mind.

I groan running my hands over my face stroking my hair back in frustration.

"You okay love?"

I hear my mum chuckle as I look up at her with an innocent smile.

"I need advice mama."

"Girl trouble?" She grins sitting beside me as we're in the kitchen.

"I'm with Ash yeah? But I love someone else... I want to love my girlfriend how can I make that happen?"

"Aww sweetie," she sighs and strokes a strand of hair behind my ear. "You can't force yourself to love her. But you can try and spend more time with her, figure out what you like about her, make things work for you two. If the other girl doesn't feel the same way with you then don't waste your time. You have someone that really likes you, give her a chance."

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