Chapter: 4

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Some of you miss first person point of view so enjoy (:


Chapter: 4

Tuesday; August 14, 2018


Dreams, dreams, dreams. So peaceful and so relaxing.

Hunter Hayes' voice is so beautiful.

I'm all alone in his concert, his eyes connect with mine, as if there was no one else.

My smile widens as so does his. He sends me a wink and as he finishes his song, he leans over to one of the security guards whispering to him.

He looks over guessing my direction and smiles.

Next thing I know, I'm following the security guard backstage.

My hands are shaking and I can't control the grin on my face.

As soon as I approach Hunter, his back is facing me. The security guard says his name. And as he is about to turn around.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Stupid alarm!" I groan my eyes closed as I grab my phone and snoozing it. I snuggle to my pillow closing my eyes trying to get my dream back.

I can't go back where I left off.

"I hate life," I mumble rubbing my eyes. Even though it's still summer for me, I have to set my alarm so I can wake up early and start my day.

This whole summer I been waking up around noon. Now that I see it the way my mom does... it's literally wasting my whole day.

When I woke up at eight in the morning just yesterday, I saw her point. I got to wash the dishes, clean up the house, be able to relax and it was still early. I am able to do so much more. In the summer I would text Harry all night until five in the morning.

Now we don't since we are starting school soon and we got to do some things other than just be on our phones.

I miss Harry so much. I been a crying mess since he left. We text once in a while since he had a lot to do in New York. We FaceTime and his smile is all I need to brighten my day.

I couldn't wait until two. Our next FaceTime session.

I miss his face, even though we just FaceTime last night.

I put up my hair into a bun as I get out of bed. It's nine in the morning. I still feel sleepy and I hate it. Wish I had the energy as everyone else does this early. I'm not a morning person. Never will be.

I go to my restroom and wash up. I change into some shorts and a tank top as I wear my flats. I wash my teeth and fix my hair more as I make my way out of my room towards downstairs to the kitchen where mom is making breakfast.

"I'm glad I didn't hear that alarm go off like twenty times," my mom chuckles.

Every morning, I would set my alarm around eight. Snooze it every eight minutes until it hits eleven thirty. Imagine how annoying that is for my mom.

Hunter Hayes' song Rescue plays over and over again. Yes Harry, knows my obsession over this amazing beautiful man.

"Yeah decided to just get up. My dream got interrupted so I couldn't go back to sleep," I go over to the fridge taking out the orange juice and pouring some into a glass.

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