Chapter: 35

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This chapter is dedicated to caitlynmia0123  😘😘  thank you so much for your support love it means a lot

A lot of time jump! :D


Chapter: 35

Friday; February 1, 2019


All these months have been crazy for me. I finished my first term and I'm on my second one. I'm just trying to focus in school, and not think about Harry too much. It's hard though when Edward doesn't leave my side.

He's my friend and I appreciate his friendship. He knows how I feel and I'm glad he doesn't hate me for it. He understands that I can't feel more for him.

I haven't spoken to Ash or Louis or anyone else as the matter. They all hate me for sure.

I have only stayed in contact with Edward and Claudia. I haven't heard from Harry ever since he broke up with me. Today is his birthday.

I debate on whether or not to text him. Just a happy birthday message. There's nothing wrong with that right?

Me: Happy birthday Harry! I hope you have an amazing one, I wish you the best.

I furrow my eyebrows as my message doesn't send. I try again and it would result in an error.

"That's weird," I murmur. I bite my lip nervously and call him.

"I'm sorry, the person you are trying to reach has their phone turned off or doesn't have this number. Please try again later or try a different number."

I sigh frustrated hanging up. This must be some mistake.

I decide to ignore it and get ready for tonight. Anne is throwing Edward a small party to celebrate his birthday.


I didn't want to arrive first but soon regret it as I feel more awkward than ever. Ash, Rachel, London and Alexa look my way as soon as Anne lets me in. She gives me a hug and closes the door behind me.

I can't help but blush of embarrassment.

"Savvy! You made it!" Edward grins and goes and hugs me tight. "I thought you ended up deciding not to come."

"Oh no, sorry if I'm late," I laugh nervously pulling back smiling shyly at him. He smiles shaking his head.

"Not at all, the fun can start," he grins.

"Here, happy birthday Ed," I smile handing his present.

"Awwe you didn't have to, your presence is enough for me," he smiles and opens it.

"You got obsessed with the Gossip Girl series so I bought it for you," I giggle.

He gasps hiding the box of the DVD's back into the box where it was in.

"Don't tell anyone you hear?" He whispers and smiles. "Thanks sweetheart. You didn't have to bother in wasting your money."

"I don't mind," I smile with a shrug.

"I'll be right back yeah?" He rushes upstairs with the present. I stand there awkwardly as Rachel then approaches me.


"Hey," I say quietly.

"Long time no see aye?"

"Yeah," I chuckle. "Sorry I just umm I haven't—"

"It's okay I understand. Sorry everything you been through. You're better now?"

"A bit," I smile nodding.

"Hey girly," London approaches as well then Alexa. We talk for a bit as Ash just stays where she's been seated.

"Savvy, I'm sorry for what happened that Thanksgiving night," Louis tells me. He gives me a hug as I smile hugging back.

"It's okay Lou. Don't worry about it it's in the past," I pull back smiling at him.

"Oh we have a lot to tell you."

They filled me up on what happened with Niall's father, and that Marcus guy who stole money. How Louis got shot but he turned out fine, apparently it was an experience that he did enjoy. Now that he has something to brag about since Liam was the one that got shot before.

We later sing happy birthday to Edward as Niall and Louis tried to get his face into the cake. Some habit of theirs. Edward didn't want to ruin the beautiful piece of art his mother made for him so the guys respected that.

We ate the cake along with ice-cream and fruit salad as the guys started dancing to Gangnam style.

Anne then tells them to turn down the music as she got a call.

"Hello?" She answers as we all just wait patiently. Her smile then widens. "Harry!!"

I nearly chocked on my cake.

"Baby how are you? Awwe we miss you so much! When are you coming back hmm? We are just here celebrating your brother's and your birthday love. Happy birthday my little prince. Yes I'll tell everyone you say hi," she laughs and smiles as she finishes the call.

The guys along with the girls look over at me.

I look down avoiding their gaze.

"Harry sends his hellos to everyone," Anne smiles at us. "He says how he's doing great, he made tons of friends."

"That lad turned out to have the time of his life," Niall laughs.

"Did he change his number or something? I tried calling him this morning and it didn't get through," I say to her but loud enough as everyone stays silent.

"Yes he did. Harry didn't tell you?" Anne frowns. "Do you want his number sweetie?"

"Umm no thank you. Excuse me," I furrow my eyebrows and make my way outside as the tears fall down my cheeks. I managed to hold them as long as I could back in there. I didn't want anyone to see me this weak.

I sniffle hugging my arms looking up at the sky.

I hate that it affects me so much. I should forget about Harry, I should move on with my life. He doesn't care about me anymore obviously, why should I?


I'm startled as I look over at Edward. He rubs my arm then pulls me into his embrace. I sniffle hugging back tight crying on his chest.

"I hate how I'm still sad over him."

"I know love, I know," he rubs my back hugging me tight. "I'm sorry. Once I see him I'll beat his arse I promise."

I giggle a bit.

"That's not necessary but thanks Ed," I pull back smiling at him. My smile fades as I spot the girls walking over, including Ash.

"Savannah, I'm sorry for the way I acted with you," she says. "Can I give you a hug?"

I nod as she walks over hugging me. The girls then join as well as everyone just hugs me.

"Hey! Why weren't we invited into the group hug hmm?" I hear Louis as he walks out with Liam and Niall.

"Come join you weirdos," Edward laughs as they all join into the group hug.

I felt a bit better, and that night everyone distracted me. I danced with the girls, as we were okay now. I forgave them even though there was nothing to forgive them about since I was the one that did the wrong here.

We all talked and caught up.

I just hope we don't fall apart again. 

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