Chapter: 73

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This chapter gets crazy towards the end :)


Song for this Chapter: Bring me to Life; Evanescence 

Chapter: 73

Friday; March 19, 2021


These days have been so awkward that my grandpa couldn't stand it so he left. My mother is staying somewhere else, at a friend's house or something, as my uncle would assume. So basically, it's been just my and uncle and I living together.

The house feels so dead right now. My uncle wants to buy his own car and live here indefinitely.

I have tried to talk with Harry but he would be ignoring him. I don't blame him. I have been the worst girlfriend, and person lately.

I don't think I could even forgive myself for using Edward in such a vulnerable moment, thinking that I could love him when in reality, it's been Harry I would think of most of the time. It has been him, and my love for him is not in doubts. Not sure if what I did to Edward comes back to karma since he slept with my mother. I can't ever stop thinking about that. I'm living a soap opera, that's what it feels like.

Tonight I went out with my friends; Claudia, Alexa, Ash, London, and Rachel along with Niall, Louis, Liam, and Aaron. What I did not expect was that Harry was going to be there too.

Niall invited us to a private dinner at a fancy restaurant as we were upstairs having our own party set up. The foods were delicious, I'm not much of a fan of seafood but luckily chicken and steak were the other options. Along with mashed potatoes, broccoli and French fries, I was in heaven.

There were other options of foods but to me they seemed complicated to even think if they are actually good, so I rather go with the odds of my choice the one I know well.

I sat beside Claudia who was beside Niall as well, to my left was Ash then London. On the one seat by London was Rachel then in front of her and beside Rachel sat Aaron, then Liam, Alexa, Harry, and then Louis who was seated in front of Niall.

Harry would steal glances my way once in a while which made me feel uncomfortable.

My heart rate would increase when I felt his gaze on me. I know I shouldn't care anyway since he clearly hates me. Everyone talked among themselves, I just sat there quietly eating. Claudia would shrug her arm with mine and smile at me. I smiled back nodding in response that I was okay. Which I clearly wasn't.

Louis told the story of him going to the jewelry store with Niall and getting kicked out. Everyone would laugh then start questioning the ring. Which in Niall's defense, it was a promise ring. Claudia showed us and we all congratulated them since it was a major deal. It's a beautiful promise, shows that Niall is serious about her.

"I'll like to say that if there is ever a wedding, I would like Louis to be my best man," Niall smiles. Louis blushes and grins.

"Amen to that," he raises his glass.

"But... since you broke that promise of not telling anyone about the ring... then Harry should be my best man," Niall smirks as Louis' jaw drops.


Harry laughs as everyone else laugh as well.

"Who would your maid of honor be Claud?" Alexa asks.

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