Chapter: 64

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Sorry for the long wait! :) here's this chapter and it's long so enjoy! :D


Chapter: 64

Friday; March 5, 2021


The next following day, I take a taxi cab over towards the address I found on the card that apparently was given to my mother by some Christian guy. I needed to find out if this guy has anything to do with my mother and I. Or if he even knows my actual father.

I have talked with Edward on the phone yesterday and asked him to meet me at that address, that I didn't want to go alone to this house where I can find out who my dad is. He was confused as to why I asked him and not Harry, but Harry didn't want to help me or just didn't want me to do anything about it. But I wasn't going to let it slide, when the opportunity approaches, you have to take it. Whether or not it's a good thing.

Edward was hesitant because he has put distance on me since I went back out with Harry. I understand him but he's the only one that I can actually trust at the moment. He's been a good friend all these years, and I owe him so much for it.

I was glad to see that Edward has already arrived. His car was parked a bit away from the mansion that is surrounded with nothing but trees. There are no other houses around, just a forest and an empty road, fences on the other side as plain dirt decorates the surrounding. The house is to the right side along with the forest, bright green grass and a gate to enter this place.

I pay the cab driver and get off as I walk over towards Edward's car. The cab makes a U-turn as the driver takes off.

I knock on Edward's window startling him completely as he unlocks his door opening it as he gets off.

"What took you so long? You said six right? It's going to get dark soon," he says.

"I know sorry, kind of got lost. Umm thanks for coming, I owe you big time."

"Damn right you do. This place gives me the creeps. This house is in the middle of nowhere, and the drive wasn't even close to forty minutes, more like an hour and ten."

"My bad, come on let's go."

"Wait! Are you sure this is the right address?" He furrows his eyebrows and locks the door of his car putting the keys and his phone inside his pockets.

"Yes," I pull out my phone and show him the picture I took of the address.

"Maybe your mum was right and your father is dangerous," he says as he looks at the mansion ahead of us. "Maybe he's a serial killer and has all his victims in a basement," he whispers. "You know like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I'm not an idiot, so let's go home and forget about this yeah?"

"No! I'm going with or without you."

"Then why you dragging me here in the first place if you're going to go alone either way?" He huffs crossing his arms against his chest. I raise my eyebrows and shake my head walking over to the gate. I'm about to press the button that is there on the side, but Edward grabs my arm.

"Wait! Savvy think about it, this could be dangerous."

"Ed... are you with me or not?" I scoff glaring at him. He lets out a sigh biting his lip nervously then nods.

I press the button as it buzzes and on the speaker we hear some shuffling before a deep raspy voice answers.

"Whatcha need?"

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