Chapter: 75

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Ahhhh don't kill me guys 😭


Song for this Chapter: Marry Me; Thomas Rhett

Chapter: 75

Sunday; March 21, 2021

-No point of Views-

Edward and Harry have not crossed words ever since Harry knew the truth. Their mother would be worried, not wanting them to hate each other once again. She loved the fact that they were treating each other like actual brothers and not fighting over things that aren't important. But that all changed when Savannah appeared in their lives.

Anne wasn't sure what to think of her anymore. Knowing that Savannah was the cause for both her sons to distant each other, was enough for her to know that she can't accept Savannah, that she was causing pain towards Edward and Harry. Yet again, she really liked Savannah. She liked her for Harry, she knows Edward will be better off without her. He needs someone new in his life.

Harry puts something in the inside pockets of his blazer. He fixes himself up and sprays cologne. A knock on the door makes him frown as he looks over his shoulder.


"May I come in?" His mother peeks her head inside as she smiles at him.

"You're in already," he says coldly then grabs his wallet and keys.

"Going somewhere?"

"I have to return something."

"Why so dressed up? You look really handsome," his mother smiles at him.

"I'm dressing up for myself. There's no crime in that."

"Of course not," Anne sighs. "Be careful."

"Yeah, whatever," he sighs and walks out. Anne watches him walk out the door as a tear escapes, she quickly wipes it away sitting on the edge of his bed. She looks up at the ceiling and around the walls with posters of his favorite rock bands. Staring over at the broken mirror as more tears fall down her cheeks.

He's hurting, and she hates that she can't help him out.


Edward walks around the streets kicking rocks as he lets out heavy sighs. The sun hitting hard against his face as he squints looking up at the sky. He looks around as he then spots Harry parallel parking and getting out. Edward makes his way over as Harry looks annoyed.

"What?" He snaps.

"Harry, we need to talk. For real this time," Edward sighs. Harry furrows his eyebrows and nods as they walk around a corner. There wasn't much traffic around them only a few cars passing on by. They walk down the sidewalk as they take a seat on a bench.

"What do you want?" Harry looks ahead of him as he leans over with his hands clasped together. Edward sighs running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry."

A chuckle escapes Harry's lips, a sarcastic one as it quickly disappears.

"Sorry? For?"

"You already know why I'm sorry," Edward says quietly. Harry scoffs.

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