Chapter: 26

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Chapter: 26

Thursday; November 22, 2018


Another party at the Horans. I don't feel like going at all, but I will be all alone in my dorm once again. My mom is away. She hasn't even bothered to call me.

I would debate back and forth in going. But I ended up going anyway, there were a few family members and friends. Rachel was the one that invited me as usual.

I felt awkward as I haven't seen Rachel, Ash or even Niall around. I just stand in a corner as everyone around are chatting and laughing. It's a mostly adults.

Finally I spot a familiar face other than Monica's, Louis. He smiles talking a bit with Mrs. Horan then she gestures over to me. He nods and heads my way.

"Hey Savvy."

"Hi Louis. Where are the girls?" I smile as he just chuckles.

"They are hanging out in Ash's room."

"Oh. Uh, I been waiting a while," I frown feeling really weird now.

"You can join them. But I need to talk with you first."


I follow Louis out to the front. He turns my way as he glances at me with a serious expression.

"Listen, I know Harry broke up with you—"

"Yeah everyone knows by now," I chuckle shaking my head with a sigh.

"Don't interrupt me please."

I glance at him as he crosses his arms against his chest.

"I also know that Edward has been visiting you occasionally?"

"They were just visits umm..."

"I really hope that's all they were. He's with my sister. She's been feeling depressed lately."

"I-I did not know."

"Well now you do."

"Look I been feeling like shit too. You think I was happy when finally my boyfriend called, but only to break up with me?! Edward comforted me as my friend. That's it! He's my friend. I made it clear to him, I know he's with Ash okay? You don't need to repeat it to me."

"I'm glad it's cleared to you. I don't want to see my sister suffer because of you. Edward likes you, everyone knows that."

"That's not my fault."

"Then don't give him hope! You don't have brothers or sisters so you don't know that feeling, the feeling to want to protect them at all costs. You're alone Savannah, why else would you be here celebrating Thanksgiving with us?"

I'm shocked at this very moment, Louis' harsh words stung me hard.

"Just stay away from Edward, let him be happy with my sister. I never seen her this happy with a guy before, not even when she dated Zayn she was this happy. Don't get too close to him, at least not be around him alone. Unless you want to be completely alone and lose all your friends? That's up to you."

Louis makes his way inside leaving me out on my own. Tears fall down my cheeks as I let out a shaky breath.

I feel so guilty, I don't want to ruin a relationship. I feel more alone than ever. I cry for a bit before making my way back inside.


I didn't really join the girls upstairs, not sure if they even know I'm here. I stayed in the living room drinking Dr. Pepper can after can as I watch and listen the others talk. I would look down at my phone every now and then.

As I look up I spot Edward making his way inside with Anne. They smile greeting Mrs. Horan as Louis goes and greets them.

I catch Louis glaring my way then smiles at Edward wrapping his arm around his shoulder telling him something.

Louis hates me. Wow.

Ash, London and Rachel make their way down the stairs. I watch as Ash runs over to Edward kissing him as everyone around laughs. She hugs Anne as so does she. They all make their way to the other side, guessing the dining room.

"Dinner is ready come on everyone," Mrs. Horan smiles telling us all.

I get up following close behind, being the last one. Everyone takes their places as I just stand there awkwardly.

Can I just sneak off?
"Savvy come here sweetie."

As soon as Mrs. Horan said my name everyone noticed me. I gulp down some saliva as I stare frozen at all the glances.

Ash gives me this look, but it wasn't as terrifying as Louis'. London whispers something in her ear as she shakes her head.

"Rachel did," I hear her say.

"Duh I invited her, she's my friend," Rachel adds with a frown and smiles at me. "Girl why didn't you come find us?"
I shrug not knowing what to say. Rachel is the only one being friendly with me. Edward gives me a smile but I ignore it afraid that Louis would see.

"Sorry we're late!" I hear Niall behind me as he walks over with Zayn.

"You barely made it! We were about to eat without you!" Louis laughs. Rachel walks over to me grabbing my arm as she sits me beside her.

What sucks is that we were in front of Ash, Edward, and Louis. London sits on Rachel's left side as I sit on Rachel's right side. I'm face to face with Ash as Edward sits beside her then Louis then Niall and Zayn. Anne sits on my other side greeting me sweetly.

I eat in silence as everyone is chattting and raise their glasses to cheer but I only clink my glass with Anne's and Rachel's.

This was in fact, one of the worst Thanksgiving's ever. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket as I look down on my lap seeing a text from Edward.

I glare over at him as he nods over to see his message.

I open it;

Why are you so quiet? Still sad cause of Harry? Need me to hug you? –Edward

Don't you dare! I'm fine. Just leave me alone please –Me

Savvy tell me –Edward

Don't talk to me then I'll be fine –Me

I get up and walk out of the room. I know some looked my way but I ignored it. I hurried outside as tears escaped. I try calling my uncle Victor but no response.

Finally he answers. I greet him and ask how everyone is doing and such. I ask him if I could speak with my mother.

But he said she's not there with them. 


You guys know how I already have this story planned out right? Well I wasn't sure what to write for this Thanksgiving chapter, I literally just came up with the whole idea of Louis being a jerk to Savannah. I mean it's understandable cause he loves his sister. So I hope you guys liked that :D

But how many of you would hate to be in Savvy's situation, like all that awkwardness omg I would die D:

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