Chapter: 76

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Chapter: 76

Sunday; March 21, 2021


"I still can't believe that asshole got away with it," Rachel huffs as we are all gathered around Niall's living room.

Rachel has been dating Aaron as he came over to talk with Niall about it. Talk about bad timing.

The guys were here along with the girls as Niall explained everything to them. We were upset about it, how Drake will be out there like nothing, might hurt other girls and there's nothing we can do about it.

"So the lack of proof is what got his freedom," Liam adds.

"He better stay miles away from Claudia," Niall says.

"You guys should put a trap or something," London suggests.

"Just leave it the way it is," Louis shakes his head. "If he does try anything, then he's the idiot because this time he won't get away with it."

"Let's talk about something else yeah?" Ash chuckles.

"Yeah like you didn't say anything Niall," Aaron smiles at him. Niall just glares at him and scoffs standing up walking off to the kitchen.

"Umm you guys have plans for the summer?" Alexa smiles.

"We should go to six flags," Ash grins.

"Nope, I hate rollercoasters," Zayn says.

"I wasn't asking for your opinion," Ash rolls her eyes.

"Ooooh," Liam laughs.

"We should do something fun," Claudia smiles. "Or just hang out at the beach get a tan," she grins at me. I smile giggling rolling my eyes.

"I think I'm good," I say.

"Girls in bikinis? Count me in," Louis grins.

"Eww," Ash scoffs.

"I'm talking about all the girls that would be at the beach geez."

"Umm I should get going," I smile getting up. "I'm glad you're doing better," I hug Claudia as she stands up as well.

"So soon?"

"Sorry, I have some other stuff to do."

"Don't let anything affect you," Ash tells me.

"Or anyone," Rachel shrugs with a smile. I nod and wave them all goodbye as I walk out.

On my way home, that dream I had two nights ago was still fresh on my mind.

I felt a sudden pain in my chest that I had to hit the brakes. Touching over my chest letting out heavy breathes as the pain slowly faded.

"What is wrong with me?" I whisper as I shut my eyes momentarily.


After Harry left, I stayed a while looking around his room. Maybe it would have been better for him to have stayed in New York, so he didn't suffer this way.

But that would have meant that Savannah would still be with Edward.

Why did my boys have to fall for the same girl? Distance can help the both of them, and I was going to work that out with their father.

Maybe all they need is their father, even though my boys are adults now, it would do them good to go with him and bond. This would be great for summer vacation. I'm useless and it hurts me that I can't do anything to help.

I wipe away a tear as I start making dinner. Edward is usually the one to eat with me even if it's in silence. Harry hardly spends it home. He's mad at me for knowing.

I should have said something as soon as I knew, but what difference would that make? Things would be the same or even worst.

I finish cutting off the vegetables as I put them to boil, putting salt over the hot water as I let them boil.

I let out a heavy sigh gripping to the edge of the counter as I feel a bit dizzy. I forgot to take my medication, this always happens when I have so much on my mind.

I grab a glass of water as I put the pill in my mouth and drink it with the water. Shutting my eyes letting out a sigh of relief, the doorbell then rings.

I frown making my way over to the front door.

Not really expecting anyone, unless Harry or Edward forgot their keys.

I unlock the door twisting the doorknob as I open it fully. My eyes widening staring over at the person in front of me.

"Dad sent me over."

I shake my head biting my bottom lip stepping aside as she walks in closing the door.

"Hello to you too mother."

"I don't have time for this. I have enough problems already then you come here like nothing," I scoff raising my eyebrows at my daughter Gemma.

What worries me now, is that my boys can come in at any moment.

"I thought I was a problem too, I mean you never bother to ask dad how I'm doing. You don't care about Alex either? Of course not, you only care about yourself."

"Enough," I cough as I head over to the kitchen with her following behind.

"You're taking your medications right?"

"Why does that matter to you?" I serve myself more water and take a long gulp.

"Edward and Harry know you're sick?"

"They don't need to know."

"Anne you can't even come up with more excuses of why you're not working at the hospital anymore? Dad sent me to come and face the truth with my brothers. Once and for all."

"No! They can't know, they have enough at the moment, I don't want to hurt them more," tears escape as I stare at her plea in my eyes.

"They need to know. You're seriously going to keep hiding us from them? It's not my fault I was born at the wrong time mother."

I set the glass down looking away from her. I can't look at her in the eyes, I have been a horrible mother, Gemma knows that. But Harry and Edward finding out the truth?

Not only do they have a sister, they have a brother as well.

They will never forgive me for the reason as to why I abandoned my own children.

The phone then rings startling my thoughts. I look at Gemma as she just stands there looking at me sadly.

I walk over grabbing the phone from the table answering.

"Yes? Aha, this is Anne Twist, yes Edward and Harry are my sons. What?"

I look over at Gemma with wide eyes. My hands shake.

"Th-thanks. I'll be r-right there," I cover my mouth with my hand hanging up.

"What happened?" Gemma asks.

"Edward and Harry got into a horrible accident. They are at the ER."

"Come on, I'll drive you there," she says grabbing my hands as I can't help but sob.

I grab my purse and keys as I follow her out.

This can't be happening.

Why Harry and Edward? Why them and not me?


Ooops plot twist 😈😈

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