Chapter: 12

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Chapter: 12

Tuesday; August 21, 2018


I groan frustrated with this idiot. Rick drives like a grandma. I don't care if I have twenty-minutes before the bell for first period rings, I want to spend my precious free time with my friends. Even though I see Ash everyday but still. London is also my friend and we have lots to catch up.

"Would you hurry up?!" I yell frustrated crossing my arms against my chest as I glare at him over the review mirror. He lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Miss the traffic, I can't do anything about it," he slows down and makes a full stop as indeed the traffic is stopping us from moving. I look out the window as some cars move a bit slowly.

"I don't care, I need to get there, if I'm late oh you'll be in so much trouble."
"Alright, you asked for it."

I frown confused at what he meant as he puts his signal and moves to the right as for my surprise, he drives over to the other side of the street. The opposite side and races over as the other cars start honking at us.

"What the hell?!" I squeal holding to the handle on top as he drives like a maniac moving form left to right avoiding any other car as he then moves back to the right side driving more than the speed limit.

I'm a breathing mess as he slows down as we reach my school within five minutes.

I'm in shock.

He parks and turns over grinning at me.

"You wanted it sweetheart. We are here. Enjoy your fifteen minutes of freedom."

"Asshole, you could have killed me," I huff unbuckling myself.

"Don't wish for something you will regret," he shrugs.

"You're a maniac."

"I know you say I don't know how to drive, I used to drag race. If you want to get here early, just tell me."

"You're insane," I get off as he just smirks. Yeah right, this loser in drag racing? Wait, that could make sense. I make my way inside as London and Ash are talking by the entrance.

"Hey girl," Ash smiles at me as she finishes in eating her yogurt.

"What's wrong? You look flustered," London chuckles.

"Rick drove like a maniac, he drove on the opposite side! Like all the cars were coming at us."

"What?!" Ash's eyes widen.

"There was a lot of traffic so he took the easy way out. Luckily there weren't any cops around."

"You're okay?" London smiles a bit as I just glare at her. She is trying not to laugh I can tell.

I hear laughter and I frown looking over as Aaron has his arm around one of the cheerleaders waist. My eyes widen as he squeezes her butt but she doesn't get mad or anything.

"She's a slut that's all I got to say," Ash says.

"He's a pig," I roll my eyes walking with Ash and London down the hall.


I huff as Aaron cuts in between Ash and I.

"What do you want?" I snap.

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