Chapter: 7

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Chapter: 7

Friday; August 17, 2018


I feel so lonely at school, I don't hang out with anyone and most of the soccer and football team make fun of me for repeating the grade. Now I know what being bullied feels like.

I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. I had to take extra classes along with after school classes, so I can finish by December. I did take summer school, so I didn't enjoy my summer as much as everyone else did.

I just stare at my food as I poke it without having the need of wanting to eat it. I look up as I see that new kid talking to Rachel. She just gives him that look that says to go away.

He doesn't even leave he just follows her. I clench my jaw as I watch how he traps her against the wall as he smiles down at her. Rachel then laughs and looks away as she crosses her arms.

I stab my fork onto my enchiladas as I stare at them.

"Whoa chill, what did the enchiladas do to you?" Ash laughs as she sits down with London in front of me. London notices my stare as she looks over her shoulder and laughs staring back at me.

"Someone needs some peanut butter for that jelly?" She smirks and I just roll my eyes.

"Ha ha ha... very funny London."

I huff as I get up grabbing my tray as Rachel then joins us.

"Everything okay Zayn?" She smiles over at me and I just walk off.


I make my way over to the cafeteria as I had to stay a bit longer to finish my work. I haven't been able to concentrate much. Don't know what has gotten into my head.

I walk around the empty lunch line as everyone has already gotten their lunch and sat down. Am stopped as this idiot Aaron steps in front of me.

"Hey babe."

"I'm not your babe idiot."

"Why deny it? You know you want me," he grins biting his lip. I roll my eyes and try to walk around him but he gently pushes me against the wall.

"Let me go unless you want to know what pain feels like," I glare at him as he just chuckles smiling at me.

"Hey I want to start over with you. How about tomorrow? We can do whatever you want—"

"We can go to the beach."


"So I can drown you."

"Ouch. Come on, every girl wants me why not you?"

I burst out laughing looking away.

"Well I'm not like every other stupid girl here. Playboy," I push him back going over to get my food. He wasted my precious time of enjoying it.

As I grab my food and make my way over to our table, I catch Zayn about to leave.

"Everything okay Zayn?" I smile as he just ignores me and leaves. "What's up with him?" I take a seat and the girls just chuckle.

"You don't want to know friend," Ash smiles taking a bite of her food.

"Yeah I don't," I laugh and start devouring my food.


"I don't care if Marcus is your best friend dad!!" I pace back and forth yelling over the phone to my father. I am sick and tired of this Marcus guy. He's supposed to be here doing his job, instead he goes on a vacation the same time around my dad is gone. What kind of irresponsibility is that?!

"Father, if Marcus doesn't show up by Monday I will fire his fucking ass!!"

"Language Niall! You don't make that decision here do you hear?! I'm sure the ambassadors will understand."

"I don't speak fucking French! According to you Marcus does."

"Find a translator I don't care! I have things to do Niall. Figure it out. But Marcus stays."

"Whatever," I hang up as my chest rises up and down trying to calm myself down. I throw the phone against the wall as I clench my fists.

"Uhh sorry—"

I turn around as Claudia is about to walk out.

"No wait!" I rush over to her side grabbing her arm gently. "I'm sorry I was just furious at my dad."

"Oh uh I should of knocked—"

"Don't worry about it," I smile closing the door and walk with her close to my desk. "What did you need love?"

"Umm here are the copies you wanted," she smiles shyly handing the stack of papers to me.

"Thank you," I set them on my desk and frown looking at her. "What's the matter?"

"Huh? Nothing uh just tired," she chuckles.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything."

"I know Niall, thank you. I'm fine, really. Uh I should get back to work."

"Please postpone my meeting with the French. To Monday please."

"Alright, whatever you say," she makes her way out as I sit on my chair letting out a long sigh.


Later that evening, mother wanted to have dinner with everyone as she had some important news to give us.

We all eat in silence as Monica finishes in serving us. Rachel munches on her food like no tomorrow.

"Rachel!" Mother scolds at her. "Chew like it's a secret for God's sake. Manners."

Rachel scoffs rolling her eyes.

Ash giggles then stops as mother raises her eyebrows at her.

"Mother I have things to do, can you get to the point?" I raise my eyebrows impatiently.

"Alright, well your father talked to me this morning. He might be able to make it back for Niall's birthday."

"Really?!" Rachel's eyes light up as she smiles.

"It's not so sure but he will try."
"Of course," I mumble.

"I have some news too," Louis smiles setting his fork down. "I found the perfect apartment for Ash and myself."

"What you did?" Mum seems surprised.

"Yeah, it's not far from here, and they are very nice and the neighborhood is calm."

"I'm helping him, so they have my support," I add.

"You know we are not kicking you and your sister out Louis," mum adds.

"I know Mrs. Horan, I appreciate everything you have done for us. Thank you. But I don't want us to be a hassle, and I have plenty of money for us. We were able to sell the house and Niall and his lawyer were much of a help."

"I'm glad to hear that, you will be miss."

"Gee ma, they are not dying," Rachel drinks her juice.

"I will have a word with you later young lady."

I can't help but chuckle and excuse myself as I walk outside. I need to find someone that can speak French, or else we will lose a good deal. 


Who else can speak French hmm 😏

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