Chapter: 39

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Chapter: 39


Monday; January 25, 2021


Two years... Wow that long since everything started.

My mom came back home in July of 2019. So she was gone for like 9 months...

She didn't really explain what she was up to, just saying how she needed some time away. But ever since she's been back, I couldn't stay at the dorms any longer. I wanted to stay with my mom.

Claudia has disappeared either way so I was basically alone. Not sure where she kept going but I haven't seen her since forever.

Alexa and Liam actually moved in together, they got their own apartment two years ago so they have been roommates since then.

Louis got an apartment for himself and Ash as well, they didn't want to be much of a bother for the Horans any longer. Ash is my good friend once again, I'm just afraid to tell her what happened with Edward. She says she's over him but I know she did like him.

Rachel still lives with her parents, Niall got his own place since he's the owner of his father's company, he makes his own money. He would always be throwing parties, which don't end pretty well since Louis is involved. The parties would go to an extreme level of craziness with all kinds of women and it's just one of those parties that you get annoyed by easily. The loud music hurts my ears, the smoke from whatever drug some of these guests decide to do give me headaches that are hard to cure unless I'm in a quiet room.

Zayn has his own place too but he's been traveling a lot so we barely saw him. Apparently, he inherited his grandfather's fortune once he was gone. Not sure why Zayn inherited it all but he became a millionaire over night. He didn't need to go to college since he had a lot of money.

"Honey are you going to go out with Rachel tonight?" My mom asks as I finish making my French fries.

"Umm yeah, maybe," I bite my lip and sit down with my plate of fries on the stool as I put my elbows on the counter resting my chin on my palm as I eat a fry. I reach for the salt adding more to them as I continue munching on my snack.

"You been hanging out a lot with her, how is she by the way?"

"She's fine mom, you saw her last week," I chuckle shaking my head.

"I was just asking," she chuckles rolling her eyes. "I'm going to go out, do you need anything?"

"I'll be fine," I smile as she goes and hugs me before leaving.

Edward still lives with his mom, Harry I know nothing about him. It's like the aliens came to abduct him or something. Edward now works for Niall, he didn't want to work as a waiter the rest of his life so since he hasn't figured out yet what he wants to do for a living, he applied at Niall's office.

It pays him good, and I also work there too.

It's hard though at times, since we can't really interact most of the time because we don't want anyone to suspect anything.

Edward and I became an item.

Two years is a long time, but we aren't official or anything. Is that weird? It probably is, it's like we are lovers because we aren't putting labels on our relationship. We don't want the world to know that we are something.

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