Chapter: 50

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This chapter is dedicated to NatureAndMusic because she has been such a support from the beginning of this series and with my other works. I am so thankful she's amazing I love you so much girl omg 😭😭😘❤❤ Thank you so much ❤❤ also she's caught up with this series ;) ayyye haha


Song for this Chapter: Better With You; Jesse McCartney 

Chapter: 50

Sunday; February 14, 2021


Valentine's day.

Wow what a day it is.

It would be the worst day ever. And to be honest, it still is.

I started seeing Edward on that day two years ago, we hooked up and it started it that way that it actually was special. Just no one else knew.

But now.

It's the worst once again, since I feel guilty because this day all it brings is memories of my time with Edward.

Harry wants to do something special since we are together once again. I honestly don't feel like doing anything.

Claudia wanted me to go help her make tonight special for her and Niall. We baked cookies and a cake.

Niall went out since Claudia asked him to because this surprise had to stay that way until that night.

Every time I brought the whole topic of her mysterious boyfriend, she would avoid it. Inform me of the cookies being ready, "let's start frosting them, can you get the sprinkles out of the cupboard?"

I decided to let it go since I wasn't completely honest with her anyway. About the whole Edward situation.

I wish her good luck as I make my way out with a bag of cookies she let me keep.

At least I did not have to worry in making anything for tonight.

As I arrived to my home, I furrowed my eyebrows spotting Edward's car in the driveway.

I make my way inside the house and hear my mom's voice.

"Sweetie," she spots me as Edward then turns around. Both stand up from the couch and my mom walks over to me giving me a hug. "He just got here. I'm going out so have fun with Harry tonight," she grins winking as she grabs her purse. She goes and hugs Edward goodbye before walking out the door.

"Why are you here?" I furrow my eyebrows as I look at Edward. He let's out a sigh and grabs a box that has a bow on it as he hands it to you.

"Happy valentine's day."

"You bought me chocolates?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Your favorite," he shrugs with a smile as his hands are inside the front of his jean pockets. "Oh! Also," he grabs a bush of white roses from the couch and hands them to me. "For you."

"Ed," I sigh holding to them as I look at him sadly. "I—"

"You don't have to say anything. You'll always be in my heart. It's just that... why? Why out of a sudden you decide to go back with Harry? After what he did to you?"

"He apologized."

"Oh great for him! He's a shit to you and breaks up with you for a stupid reason and thinks it's okay just like that after two years? Of course you're going to forgive him."

"I love him Edward. You knew that from the beginning."

"I thought what we had was special. I thought you were able to love me," he says quietly.

"I'm sorry. It will always be Harry. It's been him all along Edward."

"I was such a wreck when you came along you know that?" He clenches his jaw as he glares at me. "But you showed me the best and made me a better man."


"Just know this," he walks closer as he looks down at me. "I'm better with you, and you know that. Soon you'll come back to me because my brother doesn't know how to fucking value you."

"Just go," I look away from holding back tears. He gently lifts up my chin making me look him in the eyes.

"I'm not giving up that easy. I promise you," he let's go as he walks out the door leaving me frozen in place.


I was able to get ready on time before Harry arrived. I was quite silent on our way to the restaurant as he had reservations. We ate quietly but mostly he was the one talking excitedly about the song he is going to write for Ariana Grande.

I smiled at him nodding even though I had no idea what he just said.

I took a drink of my glass and just couldn't stop thinking of Edward's words.

Harry won't hurt me again. What happened years ago was just a normal thing. He was right, it was hard to be in a distance relationship.

But he's here now.

Harry is here with me, he's my boyfriend. I should forget about Edward. He was just a pass time, he's my friend. Or I think he is...


I look over as I catch Harry with a look of concern.

"You okay love?"

"Y-yeah umm sorry. What were you saying?" I fake a smile as he smiles a bit sitting back.

"I can take you home if you're not feeling well."

"No, I'm sorry. I'm here I promise," I smile grabbing to his hand looking at him.

Harry is the one I love, I can't have doubts about it.


As the night went on, Harry took me for a walk on the beach. Holding hands walking barefoot on the sand as we held to our shoes with our free hand. Looking up at the full moon, the beautiful night sky as the night was quiet and with a warm breeze.

"I miss us honestly. I'm just so happy that I could have my Anna again."

"Me too Harry," I smile at him as he leans over pecking my lips.

"Want to give a visit to our friends?" He grins widely as I laugh.

"Sure, let's go," I smile as we head to the diner where Liam and Alexa are hanging out with Rachel and Ash. Fredrick greets us and we take a seat with the rest as we start having a conversation.

"Mate you should join us," Liam smiles at Rick who looks surprised at his sudden offer.

"Umm but—"

"You're all alone aren't you?" Liam smiles with a shrug. "If other customers walk in then you go do your job, but it's just us right now."

"He's right," Alexa grins.

"Just sit down," Rachel laughs. Rick smiles and sits down with us. I look over at Rachel who gives me a glare and blushes playing with the straw of her milkshake.

Louis and Zayn then walk in as if they were the Kings of the diner.

"Miss me?" Louis laughs and pulls a chair sitting with us as Zayn joins as well.

Rick gets their order then sits back down as we all hang out like old times, making this day less dreadful than I thought it would be. 

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