Chapter: 9

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Song for this Chapter: New Rules; Dua Lipa

Chapter: 9

Saturday; August 18, 2018


The next day I wake up with the hopes of notifications from Harry. Checking my phone and only be disappointed with a few messages from Rachel and Ash making sure if I'm still coming to their sleepover.

I sigh and respond to them both. I stare at Harry's name but decide not to message him. He needs to message me first.

I get up and get in the shower as I get ready and everything.

After my morning routine, I make my way to the kitchen with a smile on my face, knowing that it's okay. I shouldn't be depressed, something must have come up with Harry.

"Hey mom did you tell uncle Zac that he should take me around six to Rachel's house?" I smile leaning against the counter as my mom just looks at me with wide eyes.

"Honey, your uncle is in prison... don't you remember?"


Sometimes I think he's still here, that he will scold at me for going out, repeating to me that I should behave and he will pick me up very early so I better be ready. Missing how many times he calls to make sure I'm not doing anything stupid.

I can't help but let the tears out. I don't know why I feel so vulnerable today.

Oh yes, I got my period yay.

"Sweetheart," my mom walks over as she hugs me. "Don't worry he will be with us again before you know it."

"Maybe I shouldn't go to the sleepover."

"Is it bad?" My mom raises her eyebrows. She always knows when I start my period, she would always spoil me so I can be happy. Sometimes they are okay and not as bad, but other times, I hate life.

"Not that bad, I warned the girls so they know what to expect if I get all crazy," I chuckle making my mom laugh.

"Come on, you need some food in your system."


"Alright we got the chips and onion dip—"

"Eww onion?" I look at Rachel grossed out.

"Savannah requested it."

"Hmm okay," I can't help but stare at my phone making Rachel sigh.

"I'm going to snatch that phone from your hands Ash. If he calls he will call, enjoy this day. It's supposed to be a distraction."

"I guess so," I chuckle and continue walking down the aisle getting as much junk food possible for tonight.

Damn we're pigs when it comes to food.


"I thought we will have it in my room?" I laugh as Rachel already has everything set up in her room.

"My room is bigger dude come on."

I giggle rolling my eyes. I put my sleeping bag down.

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