Chapter: 29

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Another chapter :D keep in mind I'm updating a lot these days hehe either like 3 or more chapters it depends


Chapter: 29

Monday; December 3, 2018


Things have gotten a bit more difficult at the office since my father came back. Marcus is such a two-face. Acting all innocent with my father.

My dad orders me around telling me what to do and what to bring him. He wasn't a fond of Claudia being my assistant saying how I'm incapable of doing something right. I don't deserve to take over since Marcus is the only one doing everything right.

All this became an argument that I couldn't win over. Marcus would be smirking as he stood beside my father as my father just yelled at me.

Missing files were reported as I knew nothing of that. Most importantly, the money.

"What are you talking about?" I furrow my eyebrows as my father glares at me and slams a folder on the desk.

"See for yourself!!"

I sigh walking over opening the folder going through the content furrowing my eyebrows as my eyes widen.

"I-I don't understand."

"You didn't do your fucking job that's what!!"

"I did the best I could! The idea I promoted is better than your stupid water weight loss shit. Don't you think this money should be used better?"

"You don't make the decisions here I do!"

"Well ever since you left I been in charge—"

"I'm the boss Niall. And Marcus has done way more than you have."

"He was even hardly here!"

"That idea of proving shelter for homeless? They should fucking get a job then they won't be that way!"

"Don't talk about them that way," I clench my jaw as I glare at the monstrous father of mine.

"You lost us a lot of money Niall!! And not only that, there's more missing. You stole money from your own father?"


"He probably did it to buy his lover all the jewels," Marcus snickers. I'm about to hit him but am held back by some of the security men.

Claudia looks dumbfounded.

"She's just fucking using you, I can't believe you would hire such a," my father looks at her disgusted and my breathing becomes heavier.

"Don't fucking talk like that about her. You don't know shit!!"

After my kiss with Claudia, things have been a bit awkward. But we kept it professional as if nothing really happened and kept working like before. I didn't treat her differently of course not, it's just we didn't talk about it after that day.

But I did enjoy every moment, I want to kiss her again, though I do respect her and it's up to her.

"Leave Niall out of this! He is an honest man, he would never steal especially from his own father," Claudia sighs. "He has never bought me such thing as jewels, I don't care about that. He's a sweet guy, you have to believe in him. The jerk here is Marcus."

"No one asked for your opinion! You're fired! Do you hear? Pack your stuff or whatever and leave," my father growls as I just glare at him.

"Fucking asshole!"

My father then reaches over to my face smacking me.

"Don't talk to me like that."

I hear Marcus chuckle as Claudia gasps muffling some words as they get caught with her tears.

"I quit!!" I spit at his shoes as the guards let me go.

"Get out."

"Gladly," I roll my eyes as I put my stuff in a box and walk out with Claudia.

"Let me see," she says softly touching my cheek as I flinch.

"It's fine sweetheart."

"Come on, we have to put some ice or something," she chuckles touching my cheek gently. I smile at her nodding as I follow her towards the elevator.

As we make it outside we run into Louis. He looks at us confused.

"Whoa what happened to your face lad?"

"My father," I huff.

"Nah... it's your face," he laughs as I just roll my eyes. "No really, what's going on?"

"There's something fishy going on. Apparently the company lost a lot of money, beside the fact that other corporations won't invest with my promotion, there's more money missing. Someone stole it and I'm being blamed for it."

"It was Marcus," Claudia adds. "It has to be him."
"What the fuck? Do I need to beat his ass? Cause I will," Louis says.

"That wouldn't do anything. My father fired Claudia and I quit, but you're still here. Find some evidence Louis, whenever you get the chance to, try to find out who did it. Even though Marcus is the number one suspect we need proof."

"Gotcha," Louis grins. "Oh shit, I'm going all detective now."

"Yeah yeah," I chuckle rolling my eyes and dismiss him as I walk with Claudia towards my car.

I drive her to her dorm as I follow in for the first time.

We were alone as Savannah was in class or something. I sit down on Claudia's bed as she grabs the first aide kit. I watch her in silence as she grabs a chair sitting in front of me.

She stares at me intently as she wipes a cotton swag with alcohol over my cheek. I wince as she continues gently. I admire every feature of her face.

She smiles putting an ice pack over my cheek.

"You're all good," Claudia giggles and puts the kit away. I smile holding the ice pack over my bruised cheek.

"I'm sorry, my father shouldn't have offended you that way."

"It's not you who needs to apologize for him, he's a big boy right?" She chuckles smiling at me.

"Umm listen, about that other day, you know. The kiss."

"The kiss," she lets out a sigh as she blushes.

"I don't regret it if that's what you're thinking," I chuckle. She sits beside me and smiles with a grin.

"I don't either."

I smile staring into her eyes as I lean over my nose touching hers as my lips are close to touching hers but she pulls back.

"Umm you should go before Savvy gets back. I promised her to do something with her, since she's been feeling down lately."

"Right," I nod smiling getting up as so does she. "I'll see you?"

"Of course," she gives me a hug goodbye and walks me out the door.

I let out a sigh more likely of disappointment. Maybe it was for the best?

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