Chapter: 60

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This chapter is eek! :D 


Chapter: 60

Monday; March 1, 2021


Ever since London has been back, we have been hanging out constantly. We did some shopping at the mall as right now we are walking around eating our dippin' dots. She's been talking but my mind is elsewhere.

I know I shouldn't care, but Edward worries me. He hasn't been himself lately. At times I miss the old him, he would be an asshole but at least he always had a smile or smirk on his face. Nowadays, he's sad. Because of Savannah.

I let out a sigh as London notices it.

"You okay? You weren't listening to anything I was saying huh," she chuckles raising her eyebrows. I shake my head as I bite my bottom lip. I look at her and smile a bit as we sit down on a bench.

"I know we talked about this before, but do you think I could help Edward out? I don't know... be happy once again."

"Didn't you say he deserves what's happening to him because he left you for Savannah?" She chuckles. "Let him be Ash. We both know that no matter what, he's always going to pick her."

"I don't know what they see in her," I scoff.

"Yeah I get you."

"I mean, she's my friend, but like come on. It's wrong to have two brothers fighting over a girl. It still pisses me off that as soon as Harry came back, she goes to him. Forgiving him that easy."

"Look who's talking, you want to jump in Edward's arms already," London laughs.

"That's different. At least I let Edward go so he could be happy. But noooo he's not happy. He's miserable."

"All thanks to Savannah. You actually think Harry is happy with her?"

"You still like Harry?" I raise my eyebrows and chuckle shaking my head as I eat my dots.

"I never stopped. But we were just friends, I knew that from the beginning," she shrugs looking down.

"Umm London... you dated my brother. You never really liked him?"

"Of course I did, but I wasn't going to keep dating him when I knew I had feelings for someone else. It wasn't fair to Louis."

"And you did the right thing," I smile at her. "I mean you did it before it was too late. Louis hasn't had good luck in love."

"I honestly thought him and Jade were going to last."

"I didn't see that relationship going anywhere to be honest."

"So... we were talking about you and Edward, don't change the subject Ash."

"Uggh. I care about him yes... but I know my limits. I know that I can't really try anything with him again because he will always think of Savannah. It will always be her no matter what. No matter how much she hurts him, he's not going to forget her that easy."

"Try to help him forget her. You're beautiful, smart, you don't need to compare yourself to her."

"I'm really no match to her. It's not his fault, he can't control his feelings. I want to be his friend, just be there for him. But with us ever being a couple again, it's just not possible. Not when he's still thinking of her. I don't want to get hurt so I'm controlling my feelings."

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