Chapter: 32

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Chapter: 32

Sunday; December 9, 2018


These past couple of months have been better as I haven't seen my father ever since I left the house. Alexa's parents have been treating me well, and it seems they are a fond of me already.

Alexa has been really sweet to me, she's a complete different person from when I met her in high school.

I been saving up and I can't wait until I get my own place, I hate being a bother to her family. They have been treating me like another family member and I appreciate that. I wish I could repay them somehow.

After work, Alexa and I went to eat at Applebee's. Didn't know Edward works here, and as he would walk away to get our drinks, Alexa and I would burst out laughing.

"Who would have thought, Edward Styles would get a job, an actual job," Alexa giggles.

"Sssh here he comes," I chuckle grinning as Edward makes his way over and sets our drinks down as he just glares at me.

"Haha so funny, Edward has a job," he rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry man," I laugh as he just scoffs.

"What do you want to eat?"

"We're going to go with the 2 for $20," I tell him.

"What's your entrée going to be?"

"The nachos with chicken?" Alexa smiles at me as I nod.

"That sounds perfect," I grin.

"And I would have the Fiesta Lime Chicken," she orders.

"I would have the Bourbon Street Chicken with Shrimp," I say mine.

"Alright, I'll be back with your food," he says as he walks away after writing it down.

"You should smile more!" Alexa giggles teasing him. I laugh with her as we then just chat for a while before our food is ready.

Edward comes back minutes later with our nachos as Alexa and I start to dig in. Later our main courses are ready and we finish our food within minutes.

We say our goodbyes to Edward as we pay and leave him a tip.

As we arrived back to Alexa's, her parents are waiting for her. I excuse myself but Alexa holds my arm back not letting me go. Her parents start saying how someone called about an apartment she apparently went to see. That if she wants it, it's hers. They argued a bit as Alexa explained how she is ready to move out by this new year.

"You can't afford to pay rent on your own," her father says.

"Dad that's why there's a roommate," Alexa sighs.

"Did that roommate accept? How are you sure she's not going to fail you, and not pay rent and get away with everything huh?" Her mom adds.

"Because my roommate is loyal, and he's Liam," Alexa smiles looking over at me. My eyes widen as I'm taken by surprise with her sudden comment. I'm her new roommate?

"What?" Her father clenches his jaw. "I knew there was no way to trust him to be in our home!"

"Dad! He's a good guy, he's my friend. He demonstrated all his good intentions, either way I'm moving out with him whether you like it or not. I trust him, that's all that matters. Come on Li," she grabs my hand leading me upstairs to her room.

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