Chapter: 28

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If you guys missed out on chapter 26 go check that out :D it's where Louis threatens Savannah so you understand more why Ash tells that to Edward on this chapter 


Song for this Chapter: I Hate This Part; The Pussycat Dolls

Chapter: 28

Sunday; December 2, 2018


As I finish cleaning up a table I look over spotting Ash waving shyly at me at the front. I smile a bit as I go over to the back.

I know I been avoiding her lately, I been feeling sad lately, Savannah has been ignoring me and I have no idea why. I liked being her friend at least, I wasn't going to really take advantage of her being single. I just wanted to be there for her.

I ask my manager if I could start my break now as I go and clock out walking over towards Ash. I lead her outside as both of us don't say a word.

"Umm you hungry?" I ask her.

"No, I just needed to talk with you. It cannot wait," she looks at me with sad eyes. I frown and walk with her towards my car as we both get in. I drive us to a nearby park as I walk with her to a bench taking a seat beside her. She keeps looking down at her hands.

"What's wrong?"

"Edward listen," she lets out a sigh looking over at me. "I can't."

"You can't what..?"

"I can't take anymore. I know you still like her Ed."

"What?" I chuckle shaking my head. "What are you talking about?"

"Savannah! You're happy Harry broke up with her, you been seeing her. Louis talked with her, that's why she's been distant with you," tears escape her eyes as I just stare shocked.

"Louis told her to stay away from me?"

"He cares about me Edward. But I talked with him before coming here. I'm ending things Ed. I hate this, but I have to do it."

"Ash, I do like you. Don't doubt that, look we can make it work."

"No," she shakes her head and pulls her hands away from my reach. "You will always want her, she's the one you want to be with. I'm not prohibiting you, I can't do that. I'm just making things easier for you. If you like her, don't let her go."

"Ash don't say that. I'm sorry, I know I should have told you how I been seeing her. But nothing happened, I was always faithful to you love."

"I know. But you weren't faithful with your feelings. I'm not mad, I don't hate her I don't hate you. You can't really control your feelings, that's that," she chuckles quickly wiping away her tears. "I hate this part, but we can't work."

"I understand," I frown fighting back tears. I feel horrible. Ash is an amazing girl. When we started dating I thought I knew she was the one. She finally got me to forget Savvy, but it was only for a moment. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," the tears manage to escape. I grab her hands kissing her knuckles and crying over them. I feel her rub my back and pulls me in her embrace.

"I forgive you. It's okay. I'll be fine I promise."

I pull back smiling a bit at her.

"You're amazing you know that? But I don't want anything to change with us."

"It won't, we're still friends," she smiles and strokes my cheeks wiping away my tears. "Let's hang out yeah? I don't want to get you in trouble, I can take a cab from here."

She gets up as so do I, I grab her arm turning her around as I kiss her.

"Just our last one," I smile pulling back.

"Goodbye kiss, I like that," she chuckles smiling then kisses my cheek as she walks away.


The rest of my shift was the most difficult as I couldn't concentrate. I was heart-broken. I deserved it though, but Ash was the only girl beside Savannah that made my heart skip a beat.

I would go to the men's room to cry a bit. Yeah I'm such a baby, it's embarrassing enough.

After work I go to Savannah's dorm. Claudia mentioned Savannah didn't even stay there, that she's at her actual home so I go there.

As soon as I rang the doorbell, I'm facing Savvy. She's wearing sweats and a white tank top, her hair in a messy bun and no make-up. Her pink socks made me smile a bit. Just a bit.

"Edward. What are you doing here? Claudia told you I was here didn't she," she crosses her arms against her chest. I don't say anything and just hug her tight as I sob silently. "Umm."

I pull away as she just looks at me shocked. She doesn't say another word and lets me in. I start rambling to her about what happened. We sit on her couch in her living room as she makes me some tea.

We both drink them as we stay silent for a while.

"I'm sorry Ed. This is all my fault," she sighs setting down her cup.

"No, it's mine. I'm the one that is conflicted with the way I feel. Don't blame yourself please."

"You still like me?" She frowns looking at me.

"I don't think I ever stopped," I smile a bit.

"You're my friend, that's all you'll ever be. I'm broken because of Harry and now you because of Ash, what a world."

"Yeah. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, I know you like my brother and not me. I don't blame you, he's better than me."

"No one is better Edward. You're both unique, you think differently. Look, if it's meant to be, you and Ash will reunite again. Just give it time."

"Same with you and my brother," I chuckle.

"Want to watch some funny videos on YouTube?" She grins.

"Oh gee," I laugh. "Where's the popcorn?"

"Hold up mate," she tries to say the word mate in a British accent making me laugh more. She gets up as she goes to the kitchen. I hear the microwave minutes later with the popping sound.

She makes it back to the living room and turns on her T.V.

As the hours pass by, we're both laughing at random videos eating all kinds of junk food. Best remedy for a broken heart.


"Whooo!!!" I scream along with the rest of the fans as the concert starts. I'm completely stunned as soon as Eleanor appears on stage. Her smile, her voice... I start blushing for no reason.

I record some parts and take pictures. After the concert was over, we made it out through the crowd of people.

"I will be back wait for me," Jadelyn tells me as she goes to the ladies' room.

I wait out at the empty hallway. I spot Eleanor walking with a security guard. My heart starts skipping.

I'm frozen in place as she then catches me and smiles towards me. I look around thinking it might have been towards someone else, but I was the only one there.

Is it possible to fall in love with your favorite celebrity? 

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