Chapter: 52

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Chapter: 52

Monday; February 22, 2021


I have been avoiding at all costs to bump with Savannah. I decided to quit working for Niall so I wouldn't see her.

I do love her but I can't bare see her again knowing that she's back with my brother. It hurts but I have to get over it. I feel guilty though, for not telling Harry the truth. For not saying how Savannah and I had an affair for two years, and soon it ended when he came back.

I don't want him to hate her. I don't to ruin their happiness. I love her and I won't stop but I don't even know if she actually did love me at some point.

I stare down at the pancakes on my plate. The stupid smiling face is bothering me. I grab the knife and wipe the smile off then draw a sad one with the chocolate syrup. My mother still treats me like a child by making me pancakes with smiles on them. I wasn't feeling it this time.

"Edward you alright?" My mum frowns as I let out a sigh shrugging.

We hear the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs as Harry rushes over kissing our mum's cheek.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"To see Anna. I'm tired of not knowing what is going on. She has been ignoring my calls and not responded to any of my messages. She was supposed to call Saturday night, didn't even do that. Probably her uncle prohibited it from her or something but I'm not going to let him or anyone get in between us."

"Harry I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for all this," mum tells him.

"And that's why I'm going to her house, so she can explain to me why out of a sudden she decides to ignore me," he huffs and storms out.

I drink my juice in silence. Mother sits beside me raising her eyebrows at me.

"You're going to tell me what's going on with you now Ed."

"Nothing," I sigh.

"That's why your pancake has a sad face?"

"The pancake is feeling sad not me geez," I scoff getting up walking up to my room as I hear her follow me.

"You didn't even take a bite of it. Edward tell me now what is going on. I'm not going to stop and you know me."

"Ugggh," I groan and sit on my bed looking up at her. "I love Savannah okay? I always have. And I can't stand that as soon as Harry came back, she goes to him."
"Honey but they have a history," she kneels in front of me grabbing to my hands looking up at me. "Sooner or later, they were going to get back together."

"You don't understand. Savannah was mine while he was on his two year vacation."


"Savannah was my girl since valentine's day 2019. Since then, we have been seeing each other in secret. We never made it official but she was mine and to me it meant a lot. Thinking that someday everyone would know that she is my girlfriend. She did accept towards the end, right before Harry showed up."

"She's the girlfriend you were going to introduce me to on your birthday," mum gasps out.

I nod looking down ashamed.

"Honey," she lifts up my chin and strokes my cheek. "You need to talk to your brother."

"For what?!" I stand up as I run my fingers through my hair anxiously. "It's not going to make a difference mother. Savannah made her choice. She left me for Harry. It was always him. I have to admit that this is the one thing that I will always lose on."

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