Thank You 😘

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I want to say thank you all so much for being here all the way it means a lot 😍😍😍 thank to all of you supporting this series I know it's nothing big, but the ones that are sticking around still really motivate to continue and not give up. I'm grateful for that 😘😘

I'm so thankful to have amazing people like you guys, and mostly to my besties that have been supporting me until now 😍

-diosa you have been always there for me omg like I'm about to cry by just typing this out because literally you have never failed me you have there for me always and your support is what I long for 😭😭 you always tell me never to give up, you always find the right words to make me smile to help me get through the bad. You have no idea how grateful I am to have you in my life, you're stuck in it whether you like it or not 😉😘 you deserve to be a part of my story, to have your own little world, to be part of my journey as a writer. You will always be the one that I would thank first because you have been the only one never to leave me, the one that came back and has stayed. You never forgot me, you never failed me. You're my best friend for life okay? And I love you so freaking much 😭😭😘❤❤❤ Claudia you're my everything ♡♡♡

NatureAndMusic omg girllll you are amazing 😍😍 you legit caught up all quick like dang you even get a recognition 😉❤❤ where can I start with you hehe. Well, you have been such a support, you even read my stories on YouTube and that warms my heart like I'm so glad to have a fan like you. You mean so much to me already, you are starting to like The Vampire Diaries I'm so happy and we can fangirl about it :) even about Riverdale omg 😍 your comments are the best, I love them so much. Thank you love for being incredible for being there for me and giving me enough energy to continue, all the motivation comes because of you and Claudia thank you 😘😘😘 ILYSM ❤❤❤❤

achhuu you are so special to me girl 😭 didn't think you would stick through with me all the way and you have ❤❤ your comments make me laugh I love them 😊 you are amazing and I love you 😘 you have been there all the way from the start, you have been a great motivation as well and I'm so thankful for that. Thank you for not giving up on me, thank you for not leaving for being so wonderful. I love you so much 😘❤❤ you're getting your happy ending btw 😉

DillonPittman dude you caught up so quick 😂😂 I'm still surprised you actually read both books in matters of days haha. Thank you so much, it really means a lot that you actually enjoy reading my works 😊♡ 

I thanked the ones that caught up to now and have been commenting and such, the ones that support me the most of course 😊❤❤ but I want to thank everyone else that are catching up, to the ones that are reading this thank you for reaching the end and hopefully you can continue to read the next of the series ;)

Thank you to everyone honestly, without you I don't know where I would be. I love writing and I planned this series out all at once so there's going to happen a lot haha :D

Even to the ghost readers thanks lol

To all of you thank you 😘😘❤❤❤ 

Keep a lookout for the third book :) I'll keep you updated 

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