Chapter: 3

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Another update (: 

I'm not best in describing things so bare with me :D


Chapter: 3

Nurses rushing into the ER as an injured Liam is being rushed in there, his chest covered in blood, his vision blurry as he looks above him at the white ceiling, the lights flickering back and forth.

"We're losing him!"

Brown eyes stare ahead at the empty diner. The booths being a mixture of red and white as the tables are a full on red color. Tables matching in the center of the place, stools in front of him as the young man sets the napkin holders on each side of the long table ahead of him.


He turns around as his boss raises his eyebrows at him.

"Man pay attention," he snatches the napkin holder from his hands and pulls out a bunch of napkins. "Don't fill them up so much or else the customers won't be able to take any out."

"Sorry mate, I didn't get much sleep," Liam rubs his eyes as he keeps remembering the time he got shot. He was in the hospital for a week, thankfully he got through it. He had to rest a lot.

He's trying to come up with the money to repay Niall. His family helped pay the bills and he needs to pay them back somehow. He got a job at this diner nearby, called Charles. It's brand new and Liam took the opportunity to apply as they would be needing help around.

"You're lucky there's no customers, just be on the lookout."

Liam nods at his boss as the door then dings. He looks ahead as he scrunches his eyes trying to figure out if he's just seeing things.

The young blonde makes her way towards him, holding to her bag on her right shoulder. Her green eyes meet his simple brown ones as a smile appears on her features.



"How you been? Seems like ages since I last seen you," she chuckles and takes a seat on one of the stools. He smiles shyly at her.

"I been better actually, thanks. Uh you want something to drink?"

"Just water please, no ice."

He nods as he serves her the drink and places it in front of her as she takes a sip. He starts to take notice of her appearance, noticing how beautiful she really is. Niall was one lucky guy, but things just didn't work out. Both are single that he is aware of.

He scratches the back of his neck as he just stares at her. She smiles a bit and stares back. No words are being said, just this good awkwardness between them.

After Zac stopped selling drugs and got out of the mess he was in from the beginning, Alexa was done with that. She only did drugs to get her mind off of everything. Wanting to forget her feelings for Niall that wouldn't go away. They did once she got to know Zac better, once they shared a kiss after another. Once their encounters were frequently, she knew her feelings changed. Too bad they were vanished once Zac ended everything. For her safety.

No one else knew she got herself into that mess. No one knew of Liam being a drug dealer and working for Zac. Only a few people knew, and they kept quiet. Liam is a good guy after all. He saved Savannah. Who knows if she would have survived that shot.

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