Chapter: 78 *The End*

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The last chapter my loves :)


Song for this Chapter: Airplanes; B.o.B feat. Hayley Williams

Chapter: 78

Sunday; March 21, 2021


I chuckle staring at my uncle as I munch on the meal he prepared for us.

"What?" My uncle laughs. "Is my cooking that bad?"

"It's better than expected," I giggle as he pouts then laughs.

"Let me get that for you," he grabs my plate and takes it to the sink as he washes the dishes.

"I can do that you know?"

"I got it Savvy."

I smile then frown as my phone rings. I look at the caller I.D and chuckle answering it.

"Hey girl what's up?"

"Umm Savvy."

"Ash? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"


"Wh-what's wrong with Edward? Did he do something?"

"He got in a horrible accident Savannah. He lost his sight."

My eyes go wide as I stare ahead frozen in place.

"You need to come, Harry is here too. We don't know how he is yet but I'm sure he'll need you by his side."

"Oh God," tears slowly fall from the corner of my eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm letting you know until now. Please come."

"Y-yeah," I sniffle and listen as she tells me which hospital they are at. I hang up thanking her and look at my uncle who is already staring at me confused. "Edward and Harry are hurt. Uncle I knew I wasn't crazy!"

"Sssh," he walks over hugging me. "That's just a coincidence. Come on I'll drive you."

I follow him out to my car as I get in. Blind? Edward? This can't be possible, how did this happen?

My heart is hurting so bad. My dream came true, what am I saying? My nightmare. My hands are shaking as my uncle drives me to the hospital.

"It will be okay Anna," he looks over at me with sad eyes. He knows what I been through, everything that happened these years have been hectic.

I lost many people, I can't lose more. Not them, please not them.

We arrive and I rush out running inside. Uncle Victor yells out for me as I ask the nurses at front where I could find them.

I make my way to the elevator as my uncle follows me.

"You need to calm down sweetheart, I called your mom she's on her way."

"Why?!! After everything she has done?! I don't want to see her," I huff as the elevator makes a stop to the sixth floor.

Everyone is there, crying their eyes out awaiting for the news.

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